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The Indonesian nation is rich in natural resources, both plants and animals. Unfortunately, so rich, rich people are oblivious to his wealth. Cosmetics entrepreneur Martha Tilaar Dr. mention, some 30,000 species of plants in Indonesia has not tapped properly by the Indonesian people themselves.
Lack of herbal experts and ongoing research to make these species are still unemployed at the "garden" of Indonesia. In fact, if continued, more beneficial to the welfare and public health. "I often feel sorry why we do not care. My experience abroad, in countries that I visited did not mention the name of Indonesia as the owner of its natural wealth, while using materials from Indonesia," Martha said on the sidelines of the signing of cooperation with the Martha Tilaar Group University of Indonesia for Herbal Studies Program at the Rectorate UI, Depok, Thursday (30 / 7).
Founder and owner of Martha Tilaar Group was admitted, is now researching a new collection of 565 species that are embedded in Kampung Organik Martha Tilaar Djamoe in Cikarang area. Therefore, Martha felt the need to conduct ongoing research from province to province to explore thousands of other herbal wealth of different, for example Makatana from North Sulawesi.
However, difficult to do if the herbalist who is getting a little. The solution, continued Martha, there must be a long-term steps to produce competent workers in the field of herbs. It can be reached by cooperation. Whether it's training or the academic world, one of them through the opening of Herbal Studies Program as the UI.
Through the academic world, of course, also produced a wealth of knowledge about the management of natural herbs that can be passed on to the next generation. "Management by competent personnel who would be picked herbs to public health," said Martha.
Environment-From 2010, the destroyer and certain environmental contaminants will not escape from the snare of the law.
"Next year (2010), destroyer of the environment certainly go to jail. They are guaranteed not to be away longer than the legal hook,"
At a seminar on "Governance in Sumatra Spatial Planning", which was held Walhi West Sumatra (West Sumatra) and a number of environmental NGOs as Sumatra.
The statement was not "bluff", but it will be proved because the government was preparing a new law instead of Law No. 27 of 1997 on Environmental Management. "His name is Law Management and Environmental Protection,".
Plants that prey on mice lethal discovered by British scientists. Plants of this giant predator is believed to be carnivorous plants, shrubs largest discharge of acid, like the enzyme from the mouth of the leaf. Animals that slipped into the mouth hole was going to die because of this fluid.
The scientists who dikelapai botanist named Stewart McPherson and Alastair Robinson browse Mount Victoria in the Philippines after hearing from the missionaries in that place that there was a mouse being devoured plants.
McPherson says, "This plant is producing a spectacular trap that not only insects that can be caught but also rodents.'s Amazing because this was never discovered until the 21st century."
Amazing and rare species has been named once famous broadcaster Sir David Attenborough. McPherson confessed "Tim and I have named this plant as well as to honor Sir David who has worked and inspiring beauty and biodiversity of the world."
Plants that invested Latin name Nepenthes attenboroughii red, green and can grow in warm climates. But can only be found in the mountains such as Mount Victoria.
McPherson and botanist from the University of Cambridge Robinson found this plant during the expedition which they did in the year 2007. However, they can only describe this predator bush dalams ebuah journal after three years of study of about 120 existing species of predator.
Meanwhile, Sir David (83) express gratitude and honored for providing the name. "I have been contacted by a team of scientists after they discovered the plant and asked that my name could be used to name this plant. Thank you for all that. I'm flattered by it." said David.
Labels: Plants, Plants that eat rats, rats, that eat
The population of Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii) in Jambi in serious threat of forest clearing plan as industrial plants (HTI) of more than 30,000 hectares in the area of production forest ex (HP) PT Hutani Dalek Esa, in Hamlet Semarantihan, Suo-suo Village, District Sumay , Tebo regency, Jambi.
Program Manager Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) Peter Pratje, Sunday (23 / 8), said, opening the location of HTI's very close to the station Sumatran orangut,simpansean reintroduction has rehabilitated 20 of the tail orangutans per year.
"The opening of direct HTI will eliminate all potential resources available. Step back to preserve the Sumatran orangutan population is growing in eight years will also be in vain," said Peter.
So far it has 108 orangutans in melepasliarkan release area covering 200 hectares on the edge of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park (TNBT), but, because of the steep TNBT, orangutans prefer to live in the area of production forest ex.
Production forests also have many fruit crops are the main food source of Sumatran orangutans. This fruit plants may not intentionally cut production due to forest managers only take species trees hard.
FZS also monitored at least three cubs born orangutans who have dilepasliarkan parent, this indicates that the production forest is a suitable location for this Sumatran endemic primates.
Orangutans are also included in the animals that have a low reproductive capacity. Orangutan females only give birth three kittens during his lifetime.
Peter insisted, opening HTI threatens not only the existence but also the Sumatran orangutan TNBT directly, because the encroachment, timber utilization, as well as the food source for many wildlife in the area of production forests.
"Communities such as tribal citizens and Talang Mamak tribe Child In will also be moved into production forests TNBT when it converted into industrial timber," said Peter.
Station Manager Sumatran Orangutan reintroduction, Julius Paolo Siregar said, including Sumatran orangutans in the category of endangered species, Sumatran orangutans are estimated to number between 6000-7000 currently have tails.
"Compared with Borneo orangutans, Sumatran orangutans are more vulnerable life. Not only are small in number but their habitat area is also very little," said Julius.
FZS The plan would return about 10 orangutans melepasliarkan in October 2009, and in this month until January 2010 is estimated source of food in the forest with enough fruit during the season.
Labels: orangutan, population, simpanse
Climate Change and Development Threatens Sea Turtle Population Males
0 comments Posted by alom_doank at 8:54 PMBased on the results of turtle research at the University of Udayana Bali, the female turtle for more than half the population of turtles in habitats of East Java, Papua, and the Lesser Sunda. This makes the threat to the balance of the turtle population.
Shrinking of the number of turtles jan this challenge because of climate change with the temperature getting warmer and less controlled development around the coast. While the success of sea turtle eggs into the male depends on air temperature in the sand beach that is not more than 28 degrees Celsius to 29 degrees celsius and under trees around the beach.
"Human nature and to improve habitat for these turtles need to continue to cultivate. Because, not easy to rejuvenate the damaged beach, so the turtle-turtle can lay eggs and hatch well," said Marine Turtle Coordinator for Training and Research Center University of Udayana drh Adnyana IB Windia PhD, at Denpasar.
He added, turtle hatching success rate fell from 90 percent to 70 percent every year since the last 10 years. For example in the Bird's Head (Papua), egg hatching success began to decline from 500 fish per year.
According to Windia, fix the coast due to abrasion or erosion by adding sand from other beaches is not always good for breeding turtles. "Including turtle conservation was not all positive, if not accompanied by improving the original nature as devegetasi. The trees around the beach for turtle protection," he said.
Research conducted since October 2008 until now working together with WWF. In the study, researchers collected about 400 Udayana tail turtle samples of saliva taken, cukilan skin, and blood for genetic testing. Funds spent approximately USD 1.5 billion.
In the study also found a turtle genetic differences from one region to another, both turtle (Lepidochelys oliviacea), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and star fruit turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). Although turtles like to come to the other shore, he was still laying in their places of origin.
This Windia explained during the turtle is considered to have a similar genetic and can spawn anywhere. In the study revealed, the turtle has a different genetic and found for the region of East Java, Sunda Islands, and Papua, there are three groups.
Three genetic groups of turtles are the first group in the Bird's Head Beach (Papua) and Arafuru Sea. The second group is divided into two, namely East Java-Bali, Central Java (Cilacap), East Java and Western Australia. The third group was in East Kalimantan until the Sulu Sea.
He hopes this research can be useful for further research. "We want the public to understand and know about the turtle so as not doing things in vain. Turtle conservation is not only limited to not eat and steal eggs or meat course. Habitat and a damaged environment also needs to be fixed," said Windia.
On the Island of the Gods, the people began to not eat turtle meat, especially in religious ceremonies or as prohibited by the government. Average Kompyang, traders satay wrap in Denpasar, admitted the difficulty of getting back turtle meat.
Labels: Population, Turtle, Turtle Population
INDONESIA-Climate change is happening today to the countries in this world, including Indonesia is very vulnerable to disasters, famine, poverty and disease.
Head of Climate Change Adaptation State Ministry of Environment of Indonesia, Dadang Hilman, MA express it in a seminar in Medan, Sunday (21 / 6).
Citing a report, he said, Indonesia is one of the countries vulnerable to disasters associated with climate change as global warming.
The possibility that global warming will cause droughts and extreme rainfall which in turn will lead to climate disaster risk greater in many parts of the world.
"In Indonesia during the 2003-2005 period of 1429 disaster occurred. Approximately 53.3 percent of the disasters related to hydro-meteorology. The floods are a common disaster, or as much as 34 percent and landslide disaster followed as much as 16 percent," he said.
National seminar on the theme of Environmental Conservation Efforts In Reducing the Environmental Impacts of Global Warming on the State University of Medan (UNIMED), he said, global warming is marked by the increasing average temperature of the earth's surface.
This is as a result of events that the greenhouse effect of solar radiation terperangkapnya that should be emitted back into space but was blocked by an accumulation of layers of Greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere.
Various active measures to prevent climate change and reduce the impact of global warming can be done with Grk emission reduction efforts.
It also has conducted many such policies in the forestry field control illegal logging, forest and land rehabilitation, and conservation, restructuring the forestry sector, empowerment of communities around the forests, control and prevention of forest fires and so on.
In a report issued by the World Bank in 2006, stated that global losses due to climate change is expected to reach 4.3 trillion dollars.
"These losses will be dependent developing countries and the relatively poor have limitations due to limited adaptive capital and technology," he said.
Labels: globalwarming, penanganan globalwarming
One Caring Heart for the Earth-Always have a story behind the stage. Stories of success on an empty party. "I have not been satisfied," said Marcella Lidwina, a volunteer program "Earth Hour"-one hours without electric lighting to be conducted in Jakarta on Saturday (28 / 3) at 20.30-21.30.
Student London School of Public Relations (LSPR) is mengomandani tens of friends in the Climate Change Champions Club LSPR, menyosialisasikan program that digalang WWF-Indonesia. Electricity consumption mengemisikan consecutive carbon dioxide, the main elements forming gases cause climate change.
Namanya volunteers, without pay. There is even expenses, such as students of LSPR. At least, the funds of Rp 3 million campus prepared for the campaign. The result, the area of Sudirman Park, campus LSPR Jakarta, will adopt the program after exposure Lidwina and his friends.
Sepekan full, they rotate to keep the campaign booth in the area Sudirman Park; shore support as well as willing to receive the rejection. One by one, 2310 fotokopian brochures distributed, including menyelipkannya room apartment in the door.
The result, a number of tenants ready to join. So even some of the. "There is also a decline. Does not do anything, "he said that with his friends had visited the high school Almamater respectively.
Volunteers are Galih Aristo (28), art studios, a creative director. Not enough support long march in support of the main streets in Jakarta, with a friends, Wednesday, he was the Sudirman Street.
One by one, office buildings in the right center-left trade Jakarta them go. Thousands of posters to support their share of building managers. "We susuri from nine o'clock am to five pm," said Energy Troops energizer that.
Media facebook
Lala Sudewo again, volunteers WWF-Indonesia. He girder support through social networking site facebook. "Enggak many do, 97 people who support," said the main perekrut, Thursday (26 / 3).
Campaign through facebook also Anisa, housewives, pushing the third son of a dozen years to care about the environment. Not only is virtual, it is also encouraging community members who follow it to join.
Support also came from various communities, such as Abang-None Jakarta. They participated in many lobbying their networks.
The volunteers, recognized as the Director of Climate and Energy Program WWF-Indonesia Fitrian Ardiansyah, very influential for the campaign, campaigns, programs such as "Earth Hour". "They were militants although we do not pay it," he said.
Some volunteers even have to ask permission brochures, banners, or posters on their own cost. Truly, beyond a doubt and give hope. Unlike the political campaign-a campaign that at this time of political money.
Now, DKI Jakarta Pemprov support that program. Monument lighting, Balaikota Building, Statue Youth, Wiwaha Arjuna, and the Hotel Indonesia roundabout will be turned off in part. A number of hotels and private offices will be involved.
This is the first program in Indonesia. The involvement of volunteers with various backgrounds into the capital as well as the main force spirit.
The existence of them is also an indication that among us there is still a concern in the surrounding environment. If many people like them, may have akan setitik hope that the earth will not be destroyed (?)
However, among the reasons for the involvement of this, there is a beautiful thing: in the care of themselves.
Labels: One Caring Heart for the Earth
JAKARTA, - The campaign put out the lights and electronic equipment that is not used, "Earth Hour", in Jakarta, Saturday (28 / 3), though very meaningful one, since that is at 20.30-21.30. Rough calculation of WWF-Indonesia, an hour that means saving about 300 megawatt, the capacity that can illuminate hundreds of villages.
Until yesterday, 17,585 people expressed support through social networking site Facebook. Based on international data, in 2848 the city will be 84 countries that joined the campaign first began in Sydney, Australia, in 2007.
In Indonesia, the Jakarta city that merged with a number of light off the lighting in the Monas, Balaikota, and a number of large sculptures.
"Five tens of buildings owned by the private sector will support it," said Director of Climate and Energy Program WWF-Indonesia Fitrian Ardiansyah in Jakarta yesterday.
Sea level rise due to global warming have been soaking in the various regions of Indonesia, especially in the Expose Expose Sahul and Sunda. Exposure in the Sunda island of Java have a need to get more attention because of ecological and economic considerations.
Gas-greenhouse gases (Grk), especially carbon dioxide to the atmosphere teremisikan continue without stopping even continue to make slow rise since three centuries ago, has appeared significantly impact bad.
Some island countries have reported losing the small islands. Papua New Guinea, for example, reported that there are seven pulaunya Province Manus has been submerged. While Kiribati has lost three pulaunya, about 30 other islands also began to disappear from the surface of the sea.
Kiribati not only small countries that joined in the SIDS (Small Islands Development States) threatened the missing face of this earth. An estimated 44 members of the SIDS, in which 14 countries will be extinct due to sea level rise.
In the Pacific Ocean than the threat faced by Kiribati also experienced the Seychelles, Tuvalu and Palau. The Indian Ocean in the Maldives have even lost all akan pulaunya. Facing the threat of loss of sovereignty region, this has not been long the President of Maldives has a 369,000 inhabitants akan merelokasikan states throughout the country and expect to reach the hands of other countries to rent their region.
Meanwhile, the fate experienced by the lucky few who inhabited Vanuatu 212,000 population. This country still has land for merelokasi residents who live in the coastal areas submerged.
Losses Indonesia
Between the island nation in the world, probably the biggest loss will face Indonesia, as a country that has most number of islands. In the year 2030 the potential loss of pulaunya reach around 2000 when no program mitigation and adaptation to climate change, dust Indroyono, Secretary to Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare who is also former Head of Marine and Fisheries Research DKP.
Not currently known how much indeed the number of islands in this archipelago which has been lost because of the impact of sea level rise. However, the observation Coordinating Surveys and Mapping (Bakosurtanal) indicates contraction coastal areas have seen on the islands located in the Sunda and Expose Expose Sahul, said Aris Poniman, Deputy Primary Resources Natural Resources Bakosurtanal.
Sunda shelf covering the east coast of Sumatra, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and north coast and the island of Java. The Exposure Sahul in the vicinity of Papua region. Aris explanation is based on the ebb and flow monitoring conducted in various regions Bakosurtanal coast archipelago since last 30 years.
Facing the threat of loss of coastal areas and small islands which will likely continue in the future, Aris is also an instructor in the preparation of IPB suggest large-scale map of 1:5.000 and 1:1.000.
"Currently, three new cities, namely Jakarta, Semarang, and Makassar, the map has a scale is," he said. Appear on the map detail of the coast down in the three cities. Map this Bakosurtanal arranged in cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
In addition, making large-scale maps are also conducted to the west and south Sumatra Java-Bali-Nusa Tenggara. This is related to the development of Tsunami Early Warning System (TEWS). Meanwhile, for the eastern Sumatra and other areas that are prone to sea water due to global warming map of the scale is still small, around 1:25.000.
"Making a map pool need to be a priority so that each area can be anticipated and steps in the adaptation region that will stagnate in the 5 to 20 years," he said.
Spatial data and remote penginderaan that record the impact global warming will also be subject to the policies in each of the related institutions in the future, Indroyono dust.
Scenario age earth
Without change of consumption patterns and human behavior of people, and without emissions Grk mereduksi efforts to overcome global warming, Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimate the age of the earth live seabad again.
Projections based on trends in the increase of temperature to 4 ° C. Level that can be achieved when Grk emissions continue to grow in the decades to come because it is not ditegakkannya climate change mitigation policies and environment-friendly development patterns.
When you view the data on emissions Grk period 1970-2004, emissions rose 70 percent Grk. Level was donated from the energy sector reached 145 percent increase.
If air temperatures increase to 4 ° C, impact of the loss of another 30 percent of wet land, increase in cases of illness due to air, heat, floods, and drought, resulted in death rate increased dramatically.
Threat that, according to the IPCC, can be prevented with a few scenarios for the year to reduce Grk 2030. Best scenario is a temperature increase of the earth is only 2 ° C-2, 4 ° C to 23 years. To achieve that, Grk concentration must be stabilized on a range of 445-490 part per million (ppm).
The other scenarios, the increase limited to about 3.2 ° C to 4 ° C in the same period of time, with Grk to keep the amount of 590-710 ppm. Grk levels at this time that has exceeded all. 2005 Grk concentration 400-515 ppm.
According to the IPCC, the target can be achieved if applied to climate change mitigation policies in each country, which must be taken in the energy sector, transportation, buildings, industry, agriculture, forestry, and waste management.
Labels: article global warming, eart day, globalwatming
WASHINGTON, — Para geolog Amerika Serikat telah memetakan jenis batuan di bawah tanah yang diketahui mampu menyerap karbon dioksida. Keberadaan batuan ini merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mengurangi kandungan karbon dioksida di atmosfer.
Batuan yang disebut ultramafik ini mengandung mineral yang dapat bereaksi secara alami dengan karbon dioksida membentuk mineral padat. Proses yang disebut karbonasi ini berpeluang dijadikan mekanisme penyimpanan karbon dioksida agar tidak lepas ke udara.
Masalahnya, reaksi karbonasi secara alami berjalan sangat lambat dan membutuhkan waktu ribuan tahun. Namun, saat ini sudah dikembangkan teknik akselerasi karbonasi dengan melarutkan karbon dioksida ke dalam air kemudian menyuntikanya ke batuan tersebut.
"Hal tersebut menawarkan penyimpanan secara permanen emisi karbon dioksida," ujar Juerg Matter, ilmuwan dari Observatorium Bumi Lamont-Doherty di Columbia.
Sampai saat ini, para ilmuwan AS telah memetakan setidaknya 15.500 kilometer persegi batuan ultramafik yang paling ideal dipakai untuk menyimpan karbon dioksida. Batuan tersebut kebanyakan memanjang di pantai barat ke timur. Jika seluruhnya dipetakan, batuan ultramafik di AS diperkirakan cukup untuk menampung emisi karbon dioksida di AS selama 500 tahun.
Para ilmuwan berharap pemetaan ini tidak hanya berhenti di AS namun juga di seluruh dunia sebagai upaya bersama mengatasi pemanasan global. Selain batuan ultramafik, batuan jenis lain yang disebut basalt vulkanik juga dapat menangkap karbon. Usaha untuk memetakan kedua jenis batuan tengah dijajaki.
Labels: global warming
Environment-The production of plastic bags. How it can be expected to press the production of plastic waste. reduction in terms of the consumer is not easy. Section, there are hundreds of millions of people potentially using the plastic bag.

That way the amount of waste plastic is expected to decrease. Thus, to decrease the burden of the Earth.
Labels: plastic, plastic bags, plastic waste, Reduction
BRISBANE, - warming phenomenon and the global climate change, among others, with a marked increase in surface sea water its melt partly due to the polar ice, threatening many of the world tourist destination.
Specialists Management and Tourism University of Lund Sweden, Stefan Gossling, in Brisbane, say, Australia, New Zealand, countries and small islands in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean does not escape from the influence of this global warming.
That matter telling academic seminar in the University School Tourism Queensland (UQ) titled "The Future Tourism: Perspective on Climate Change."
IPCC report (Antarpemerintah Panel on Climate Change) 2007, for example, says, summer temperatures average Australia since 1950 increased from 0.4 to become 0.7 degrees celsius.
Australia also experience more heat waves, longer droughts, increase in surface sea water around 70 mm, and rainfall is greater in the west sea, but smaller in the south and timurnya.
"Symptoms global warming is threatening a number of Australia's tourism assets, such as the Great Barrier Reef, tropical wet forests of Queensland, and Kakadu National Park area in 2020," he said.
Regions of the world no other escape from the influence of global warming threat is believed that the majority of scientists as something real, said Gossling.
"Changes in global climate is to give direct effect to the tourism industry, such as changing holiday season, the living, and quality vacation," he said.
Therefore, the necessary adaptation of the tourist destination of each request associated with the changes due to heating phenomena and global climate change this.
Labels: global warming, global warming article, tourism

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Labels: golf, golf and chiemsee, golf bag, golf ball, stick golf
Seaweed (algae) have great potential in the effort to overcome global warming. Organism that is easy to live in the sea that have great ability to absorb carbon dioxide and can be processed into biofuel, environment-friendly fuel.
Laboratory-scale research in the Agency Implementation Pengkajian and Technology (BPPT) prove algae (seaweed) in the sea swell 20-25 times in just 15 days fed with carbon dioxide (CO2).
"Objects of this type of Chaetoceros sp. Beginning with the number of cells per 40,000 cells after mililiter of CO2 into 780,000 cells per ml in 15 days, even Chlorella sp. Beginning with the number of cells 40,000 cells per ml into a million cells per ml in 15 days," The word word BPPT Dr Marzan Aziz Iskandar in a seminar "Implementation of Emission Reduction carbon dioxide mitigation efforts as the Global Warming", in Jakarta on Wednesday.
According to him, this concept could be the beginning of the absorption of carbon in the sea. Indonesia has the potential of the sea is very wide opportunity to take a major role in absorbing carbon dioxide. On the other hand, said Marzan, seaweed and then harvested as a biofuel raw material efficiency of the process has a 40 percent higher than create a biofuel raw material with palm oil (CPO).
BPPT will proceed with the research culture fotobioreaktor water at the mouth of the waste gas of power for the penyerapannya of CO2 gas and add the following research on harvesting plankton as biofuel.
According Marzan, to the future, carbon capture and absorption of the algae can be applied in the discharge of carbon emissions from the Power Steam Power (PLTU), which is usually built on the edge of the sea.
Reduction of carbon emissions from industry, said Marzan, than with the use of "Carbon Capture Sequestration" like this, can also be done with the use of renewable energy and improved technology that is capable of making energy efficiency and improve production processes to be more sparing of fuel.
Labels: bio fuel, bio gas, carbon dioxide, friendly fuel., green tech
Year 2009 to be important for the Indonesian nation is vulnerable to climate change. Throughout this year, there will be a series of international negotiations to set a new agreement on climate change response.
Beginning negotiations with the negotiations that took place in Bonn, Germany, on 29 March to 8 April and ended in December later in Copenhagen, Denmark. While the process of negotiations (climate change talks) take place in stages, the Earth Day 2009 falls on 22 April will be the birth of momentum Green Generation Campaign (Campaign Green generation).
Earth Day is expected to become a day of action and participation of each citizen to defend principles of Generation Green. Green Generation defend the principle, among others, free of emissions of greenhouse gases (Grk) in the future by using eco-friendly energy that replaces fossil fuels (like oil and coal), the commitment of each individual to use energy in a sustainable and responsible, creating green economy (green economy) that can lift people from poverty by providing opportunities for green jobs (green jobs), and change the education system into a global education system green (green education).
On Earth Day commemoration this year, Pelangi Indonesia Green generation that can only be realized if all parties, both individuals and groups, an action-action-friendly environment and climate friendly. This also needs to be done by policy makers, both at the national and international, who must make decisions about the agreement and cooperation to address climate change.
Pelangi Indonesia as a non-profit organization concerned to emphasize the importance of preserving the environment all stakeholders in Indonesia, especially policy makers, to engage in a reduction in the rate and the impact of climate change. Therefore, it is important for society to encourage the government in order to participate actively in international processes and to make and implement policy on mitigation and adaptation activities to climate change.
Labels: green, green day, green earth, green generation, green tech
Indonesian Civil Society Forum for Climate Justice (Civil Society Forum for Climate Justice / CSF) urged the state-Annex 1 countries cut emissions to meet its commitments as agreed in the Kyoto Protocol.
Negotiations Bonn Climate Change Talks are ongoing (1-12 June 2009) should ensure the fulfillment of its commitments in the Kyoto Protocol, not menyodorkan proposals for new mengamandemen the Kyoto Protocol, said the CSF.
Meeting in June is a good time to change the direction of the discussion of climate change. "Indonesia as the countries affected by climate change should play a role in determining the direction of negotiations, the focus remains on the decline in emissions in the real beginning of the UNFCCC is the goal," said Coordinator of CSF, Giorgio Budi Indarto.
COP 15 will truly last a chance to realize the justice of the world's climate, so have requested that the CSF delegation that attended the Bonn Climate Change Talks banar II is taking action that could save the world.
Civil society also requested that all discussion of negotiations in June, both mitigation and adaptation to adopt the concept of HELP in the solution to climate change that ditawarkannya.
Indonesian civil society, if not akan menoleransi schemes handling of climate change offered by the potential harm the community. Therefore, any concrete action to overcome the impact of climate change should be taken while still ensuring the right people.
Another concern that civil society is a funding mechanism that should not be longer depending on the model of debt, the process of manipulation developed countries reducing emissions through the offset mechanism will not be able menstabilisasi volume Grk globally.
For Indonesia, adaptation and mitigation efforts that can not be done again cause problems, such as conversion of land to plant food crops of biofuel raw materials which will reduce the capacity of food production, ecosystem change or peat moss peat and the sea as penyeimbang macro and micro climate which is very closely with the interests of ecological, economic, social, and cultural communities.
Ecological debt management should be done through the Transitional justice mechanisms. Environmental crimes should be processed first to uphold justice to victims, and for the restoration of ecosystems that have been damaged in the practices, exploitation of natural wealth by the multi-national corporation.
Indonesian civil society forum for climate justice affirmed, developed countries are obliged to control and evaluate the investment-investment in the plantation-forestry sector, where the second sector is the primary supply their needs, the impact to the area of swamp forest and peat moss industry in Indonesia for oil palm plantations and forest industry plants.
They must also ensure that the project pilot modeling and reducing emission from deforestation and degradation (ReDD) funded does not violate the rights of indigenous people of the area, forest, and the environment in Indonesia.
Regardless of various things, the handling of climate change will not be achieved, and the UNFCCC negotiations are only the business event carbon failed to save the earth, so the CSF.
Indonesia -Dalam rangka hari bebas kendaraan bermotor, Car Free Day, yang akan digelar Sabtu (13/6), Menteri Lingkungan Hidup (LH) RI, Rachmat Witoelar diagendakan untuk hadir dan akan bersepeda bersama pejabat, dan masyarakat Kota Palembang dengan melintasi sejumlah jalan protokol di daerah ini.
"Menteri LH akan memimpin ribuan peserta sepeda santai, dengan bersepeda bersama melintasi sejumlah jalan di Kota Palembang ini sebagai rangkaian dari peluncuran car free day itu," kata Kepala Dinas Perhubungan Kota Palembang, Edi Nursalam, di Palembang, Rabu.
Menurut Edi, pelaksanaan car free day di kawasan seputaran Taman Kambang Iwak sudah berlangsung sejak beberapa bulan lalu, dan dinilai telah berjalan cukup efektif pada Sabtu dan Minggu.
Kehadiran Menteri LH diharapkan mampu mendorong perluasan wilayah sasaran car free day, sehingga tidak hanya sebatas di seputaran Taman Kambang Iwak.
Ditargetkan, jalan protokol di ibukota Provinsi Sumsel itu, dapat menjadi kawasan bebas kendaraan bermotor. Hari bebas kendaraan bermotor merupakan salah satu upaya pemerintah setempat menciptakan transportasi hijau ramah lingkungan. Tujuannya, untuk mengurangi dampak buangan gas emisi yang menjadi penyebab utama pencemaran udara.
Kepala Badan Lingkungan Hidup (BLH) Kota Palembang, Kemas Abubakar mengatakan, Menteri LH RI dalam kunjungan di Palembang itu, juga akan melakukan penanaman 10.000 pohon secara simbolis di Kelurahan Talang Jambe.
"Penanaman pohon tersebut sebagai rangkaian dari peringatan hari jadi Kota Palembang ke-1326," katanya.
Labels: article global warming, Car Free Day, global warming
World -Climate change appeared to affect a number of species in various parts of the world, ranging from polar bears in the arctic to the coral reefs in tropical seas.
Two ecological changes noted are a few species-animal or plant-altitude move also find a degree of latitude the appropriate temperature. Other changes, namely the cycle of life has changed a number of species and spring migration and the birds have shifted the time.
Now there are three changes, namely the increase in temperature accompanied with the earth mengecilnya size-organisms the size of both the community and the size of the individual.
This is expressed by the research team leader Martin Daufresne of Cemagref Aix-en-Provence, research institutions belonging to the Government of France. Results of this study will be published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Long-term research conducted in the community, including bacteria, fitoplankton and fish that live in rivers, lakes, and oceans. According Daufresne, groups of fish in the rivers in France decreased in number more than 60 percent in research for two decades.
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Labels: backpack, birthday gifts, gifts, preschool nap mats, write
BENGKULU, - The volcano mountain, including the newly found in the waters west of Sumatra may not be sudden. Therefore the Director of Research Center described Geology Science Institute of Indonesia (LIPI) Dr. Iskandar Zulkarnain, on the discovery of a giant mountain.
"There are lengthy processes that formed the mountain of fire appears, may not sudden," he said, Friday (29 / 5). He re-cite the formation of volcano Krakatau in the Sunda who take more than 50 years after discharge was in the year 1883.
Iskandar, said his side have not got an official report related to the findings of the experts combined geology of Indonesia and a number of foreign countries. However, these findings invite several questions.
According to him, signs of the existence of the volcano in western Sumatra should be detected by previous satellites. "There should be a detection ya, but so far I have not been informed about the existence of the volcano in western Sumatra, especially in Bengkulu this sea," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of Section Geology and Geophysics Agency climatology Bengkulu Dadang Permana said, in the presence of point location volcano had not detected any activity vulkanik. Government can not ensure these findings.
"For us, this is still a hypothesis and BMKG need to do more research because it was never detected in the vibration vulkanik point 330 km west of Bengkulu," he said.
The existence of this giant volcano is reported as a result of a combination of a number of research institutions, the Agency Implementation Pengkajian and Technology (BPPT), Indonesia Institute of Science (LIPI), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources CGG Veritas, and the Institut de Physique Globe) Paris. Volcano is estimated berdiameter 50 km high and 4600 meters with a location 330 km west of Bengkulu.
Labels: article global warming, earthday, Environment, info technology
LONDON, - Alternative fuel-friendly environment can be of any material, even from things that do not occur at all before. If Indonesia had introduced jelantah or used cooking oil as car fuel, in London, UK scientists using chocolate as fuel.
Cars equipped with a chocolate introduced for the first time on Tuesday (5 / 5). Do not think that chocolate is used because the block can be very expensive price. They use the waste from the chocolate factory, which is mixed with discarded vegetable oil as biofuel.
The fuel is not only environmentally friendly, the car is also made from plant fiber that is not toxic. For example, a tire made of fiber and carrot roots, seat of a mixture of jute and foam soybean oil. Its body is of fiber plants.
Speed is not lost with the car in general. In the test at this time new kecdepatan reach 96 km / h but when tested on the try line racing is expected to penetrate the speed 232 km / hour. Cars that are named "WorldFirst Formula 3 racing" car that will be used in the European Grand Prix races and Britain's Goodwood Festival of Speed.
Labels: bioenergy, biofuel, energy altrernative, green tech
JAKARTA - Indonesian Institute of Science as a research institution and the largest in Indonesia during the last few years, the budget did not allocate research Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis).
Rare animal conservation strategy is now facing serious challenges due to habitat destruction, even conservation policies defeated exploitative policies, such as mining that clearly damage the ecosystem environment.
"Tidak can be no more bargaining, the government policy in areas endemic Komodo need for conservation is the type of animals," said Deputy of Life Sciences LIPI in Jakarta.
Lack of allocation of funds for research LIPI Komodo, according to him, because of the low attention to the type of government that are ancient animals this. Related research Komodo, LIPI for this activity can only be mendompleng foreign researchers.
Differences in the genetic
Research results that have been obtained from the results of cooperation with Spanish researchers, according to Endang, prove there is a difference in the genetic Komodo Flores Island in the Komodo National Park Komodo. This phenomenon can reveal problems Komodo migration to other islands, but the results of research that has not been followed up until now.
"There are genetic Marker on Komodo Island Flores together researchers found that Spanish," said Endang.
Habitat in Komodo Flores is now increasingly threatened as never broken note specifically. Information on Komodo island's population is still as many as 300 head. However, specific Komodo Flores is 12 live chickens. Extinction on the island of Komodo Flores live waiting time. "Extinction Komodo Island Flores Island Komodo akan follow Padar,"
Separately, former State Minister of the Environment review often ask the Minister of Forestry Decree No. 384/Menhut-II/2009 dated 13 May 2009 to move the five pairs of Komodo Island Flores to Safari Park Gianyar, Bali. Komodo Flores rescue at this time must be a government priority, but conservation should remain concentrated in Flores.
"LIPI, if given the authority to mengoordinasi handling this issue, will invite scientists-scientists of the world that participated in handling this ancient animal rescue,"
Labels: komodo, komodo island, save a komodo island
JAKARTA, - forest destruction in Indonesia and has very severe. This increase global warming fear that we are at this time, factors other than energy and transport.
"Deforestation in Indonesia accounted for 75 percent of greenhouse gases," said Joko Arif, Campaign Spokesperson for Forestry Greenpeace in Jakarta on Tuesday (26 / 5).
According to data released the Food Agricultural Organization in 2007, the rate impairment 1.8 million hectares of forest per year. In 1 minute forest destruction occurs 5 times of the football field wide. In other words, it in the forest area of 300 football fields damaged.
For that, Joko urges moratorium in order to be done to reduce deforestation and fuel coal. "The stone ballast is a fossil fuel terkotor, which contribute to greenhouse gases, such as CO2, NO2, CH4," said Joko.
In fact, many have called the alternative energy clean energy to replace fossil fuels that are not environmentally friendly. "India has the potential for geothermal energy in the world, have the energy the sun throughout the year, wind energy in eastern Indonesia, and mikrohidro in areas that have rivers," said Joko.
If the government is not the issue, we live a disaster waiting chilling. "In the year 2025 Soekarno Hatta Airport can not be used because of stagnant water, with a record business does not have the government to fix the environment," said Joko.
Labels: article, green, greenpeace
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Labels: granit, granit conterpost, granite table
Ibarat sebuah lakon, komodo (Varanus komodensis) saat ini sedang menjadi tokoh utama masalah lingkungan dan pariwisata nasional. Semua masih menunggu ujung ceritanya. Akan jadi manis atau jadi lelakon kontroversial sebagaimana tambahan 8 ekor gajah dari 31 gajah milik Taman Safari Bali di Kabupaten Gianyar kini.
Pekan lalu, Taman Nasional Komodo, salah satu habitat asli komodo di Nusa Tenggara Timur, diumumkan menjadi salah satu finalis Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia Baru yang digelar Yayasan Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia Baru.
Bersama 27 finalis lainnya, Taman Nasional Komodo telah menyisihkan 440 nomine dari 220 negara.
Namun, di internet, ajakan Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata untuk mendukung pemilihan itu sama kencangnya dengan seruan penolakan rencana pemindahan 10 ekor atau 5 pasang komodo dari Wae Wuul, Manggarai Barat, Pulau Flores, NTT, ke Provinsi Bali. Di situs jejaring sosial Facebook, misalnya, seruan itu berbunyi tajam, yakni ”Tolak Rencana Pemindahan Komodo ke Bali”.
Rencana itu menjadi polemik terbaru tentang komodo, yang secara bersamaan juga terimbas masalah aktivitas pertambangan emas di wilayah Batugosok, yang juga terletak di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat.
Masyarakat NTT sejak awal menolak dengan tegas rencana ini. Mulai dari lembaga swadaya masyarakat pemerhati lingkungan, DPRD Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, kepala daerah di Flores, hingga DPRD dan Gubernur NTT Frans Lebu Raya. Gerakan Pelestarian Komodo Flores, misalnya, menggalang aksi mengumpulkan tanda tangan sebagai bentuk penolakan rencana itu. Muncul penilaian, pemerintah pusat otoriter jika rencana itu benar-benar direalisasikan.
”Jika akan dipindah, sebaiknya jangan ke Bali karena habitat di sana sangat berbeda dengan habitat aslinya di Pulau Rinca dan Pulau Komodo. Pemurnian genetik itu tidak gampang, begitu pula memindahkan hewan ini,” ujar Bupati Manggarai Barat Wilfridus Fidelis Pranda.
Sejumlah kalangan juga menilai pemindahan komodo ke Bali dalam aspek pariwisata sangat merugikan NTT, dan Bali sekaligus. Flores kehilangan pesona komodonya, sedangkan keunikan seni tradisi dan wisata religi Bali ”teracak-acak” konsep supermarket wisata: puluhan gajah, komodo, dan entah apa lagi kelak....
Apalagi, proses pemurnian genetik itu kabarnya dijadikan atraksi wisata andalan oleh Taman Safari Bali. Dikhawatirkan wisatawan tak lagi berminat ke timur, mengunjungi habitat asli komodo di Flores.
Masyarakat Bali sudah mengambil hikmah dari polemik masuknya tambahan 8 ekor gajah ke Taman Safari Bali yang berujung pelarangan penambahan gajah ke Bali hingga selesainya kajian tentang daya dukung wilayah Bali sejak awal tahun ini.
Kajian terhadap daya dukung Bali itu, misalnya, seberapa besar sih minat turis menonton pertunjukan gajah di Bali? Apa tidak sulit mencari pakan bagi puluhan hewan besar itu? Dalam sehari, seekor gajah butuh kira-kira 2 kuintal makanan berupa pelepah kelapa, buah dan sayuran, serta rumput.
Harap dicatat, sampai saat ini di seluruh Bali sudah ada 86 ekor gajah yang ”dipekerjakan” di tiga taman wisata, yaitu 31 ekor di
Taman Safari Bali (di Lebih, Gianyar), sisanya ada di Taro Gajah Safari (Ubud, Gianyar), dan Bakas Adventures (Klungkung). Selain untuk atraksi wisata, gajah-gajah itu umumnya ditunggangi turis untuk bersafari keluar-masuk desa.
Kekhasan pariwisata Bali yang mengunggulkan wisata budaya dan religi sudah lama dikhawatirkan luntur dan luruh jika pengusaha wisata Bali mengadopsi atraksi wisata satwa seperti gajah dan komodo, juga segala hal, masuk ke sana. ”Bali itu terkenal karena budayanya, bukan karena gajah atau binatangnya. Pariwisata budaya itu sampai kapan pun harus tetap dipertahankan,” kata Gede Nurjaya, mantan Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Bali.
Direktur Eksekutif Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (Walhi) Bali Agung Wardhana menyatakan, penempatan komodo di Bali menuntut penciptaan habitat buatan agar menyerupai habitat aslinya di Wae Wuul. Untuk itu, ia mendesak Departemen Kehutanan membuka kepada publik kajian analisis mengenai dampak alam dan sosial atas rencana itu.
Sebagaimana termuat dalam Surat Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan Nomor SK.384/Menhut-II/2009 tanggal 13 Mei 2009 tentang pemberian izin menangkap 10 ekor komodo, tujuan utama pemindahan adalah pemurnian genetik. Rencana pemurnian yang akan dilakukan oleh Taman Safari Bali itu, kata Menteri Kehutanan MS Kaban, juga sudah mendapatkan persetujuan dari Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI).
Kaban menyatakan, pemerintah mengambil langkah tersebut sekaligus untuk menyelamatkan komodo di Pulau Flores dari ancaman kepunahan. Proses pemindahan juga penting karena komodo di Pulau Flores kini terancam karena hidup di areal semak belukar penuh rumput kering yang pada musim panas sangat mudah terbakar. Persoalan yang lebih penting: komodo mulai masuk ke perkampungan dan memangsa ternak warga.
Namun, otoritas Taman Safari Bali enggan berkomentar tentang polemik ini. Namun, Seperti ditegaskan Direktur Taman Safari Indonesia Tonny Sumampau, pemurnian genetik semata-mata demi kepentingan konservasi, dan komodo yang dikembangbiakkan di Taman Safari Indonesia tidak ditujukan untuk dijual atau ditukarkan dengan satwa dari luar negeri.
Selain Taman Safari, sejumlah lembaga konservasi eksitu (luar habitat alami) telah mengoleksi komodo, di antaranya Kebun Binatang Ragunan (Jakarta), Kebun Binatang Surabaya, dan Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka (Yogyakarta).
Namun, seperti dilansir, data genetika komodo di semua daerah di NTT sebenarnya sudah tersedia, yakni hasil penelitian Tim Peneliti Kajian DNA Molekuler Komodo Bidang Zoologi Pusat Penelitian Biologi LIPI beberapa tahun lalu. Kajian diversitas genetik itu diperoleh setelah meneliti 154 sampel darah komodo yang dikoleksi dari Pulau Flores bagian utara, Flores bagian barat, Gili Montang, Nusa Kode, Rinca, dan Pulau Komodo.
Itulah sebabnya, argumen pemurnian genetik di Bali itu dinilai salah tempat. Menurut Koordinator Gerakan Pelestarian Komodo Flores Rofino Kant, pemurnian itu semestinya dilakukan di habitat aslinya, bukan di Bali. Seiring dengan hal itu, pemerintah pusat justru lebih tepat meningkatkan fasilitas konservasi komodo di Flores. ”Fasilitas di Wae Wuul amat minim. Begitu pula fasilitas secara umum dalam lingkup Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam II yang meliputi Flores-Alor-Lembata.
Penolakan-penolakan itu sesungguhnya adalah bentuk kecintaan masyarakat kepada komodo dan habitat aslinya. Jelas publik menunggu pencabutan Surat Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan tersebut, dan pernyataan pembatalan rencana pemurnian genetik komodo oleh Taman Safari Indonesia.
Labels: komodo, komodo island, save a komodo island
People power drives the eco-friendly agenda
DESPITE the economic downturn and the pressure on corporate sustainability initiatives and environmental programmes, this year’s Green List has seen a significant rise in the overall green scores achieved by companies.
Taking account of the results from both the company and employee surveys, the green score has increased from 57.6% for the company ranked 50th in 2008, to 66.7% for the company in the same position in 2009.
Organisations are ensuring that green policies and practices remain a part of their activities and services even in the midst of a recession. This may be driven by a desire to cut costs, stiff competition to win contracts from increasingly green-aware clients, or the expectations and commitment of the organisation’s own employees.
Their commitment is captured uniquely through the employee survey. The Green List is not the only environmental contest open to companies, but it is the only one that includes a measure of workforce engagement with a business’s green initiatives. Their increased dedication to green issues is reflected in the rise in average employee scores this year from 69.8% to 73.4%.
For example, this year we see more employees agreeing with statements such as “My organisation’s environmental commitments are at the heart of how the organisation operates” and more disagreeing with “How I do my job has no bearing on the environment” and “Environmental initiatives are a waste of money”. On this more practical note, we see more staff disagreeing with “My organisation produces too much waste” and more agreeing with “My department is audited for its environmental performance”.
Increased commitment to environmental training and leadership is also evident, with more employees in 2009 than in 2008 agreeing with “I have received adequate environmental training” and “My boss leads by example on environmental issues”.
These trends cut across small, mid-sized and large companies, who are all well represented in the 2008 and 2009 Green Lists. As evidence that environment programmes are not only for big players, it is the small organisations that have consistently achieved the highest employee scores in both years.
Companies are responding to the enhanced green expectations of employees and customers by innovating furiously in an attempt to drive the green agenda forward.
Innovative schemes revealed in this year’s Green List include:
n Rewarding staff with an extra five minutes’ holiday for every commute completed on foot or by bicycle to a maximum of 2.5 extra days holiday per year (Forster);
n Inflating tyres with nitrogen rather than compressed air, which is proven to make them last longer and retain their pressure longer (Computer Cab);
n Achieving a 25% reduction in the use of non-degradable plastic carrier bags by removing them from the checkouts (Asda);
n Allowing 11,000 staff to work from home, and equipping 64,000 to allow them to work flexibly (BT Group);
n Heating workshops using a biomass boiler fuelled by waste wood and sawdust generated from the manufacture of beds (Warren Evans);
n Offering a “green allowance” cash incentive to employees to give up a head office car parking space and use public transport instead (Coca-Cola Great Britain).
The competition findings echo the experience of those of us working in the environment and sustainability sector in 2009.
Ten years ago, climate change was not a mainstream issue, and it was a real struggle to convince clients of the business case for good environmental management and the benefits of embedding environmental protection within projects.
The mood has changed. It is now expected that environmental considerations are part of the decision-making process, by staff and management alike, for organisations of all types and sizes.
The best green companies awards recognise and celebrate this change, and applaud the success of those organisations that have modernised their culture and practices to embed the environment in what they do.
Labels: eco-friendly, save the earth
Stop your driveway causing flooding
A. The squeeze on parking space in cities, towns and even villages up and down the country has ravaged front gardens — swarms of locusts would be hard put to have done more damage. About two thirds of front gardens in London — an area equivalent to more than 20 Hyde Parks — have been lost to car parking in the past 30 years. A similar pattern is repeated elsewhere: people in the northeast of England are particularly fond of hard standing at the front of the house.
The impact of losing all these gardens is considerable. An increasingly volatile climate has led to more torrential rainstorms, but we have a drainage system, designed in Victorian times, that finds it difficult to cope with sudden rushes of water. Ideally, a large proportion of rainfall should be absorbed by the ground. Clearly, such a process is not possible on a hard surface. The serious flooding that affected many parts of the country in recent years, particularly in the summer of 2007, is partly blamed on the vast increase in concreted areas, converted front gardens included.
Other issues associated with the loss of front gardens are the impact on wildlife, particularly insects and birds, and an increase in what’s called the urban heat island effect — the more hard surfaces there are in a city or town, the higher the temperature.
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If you decide to go ahead and convert your garden into a car port, be sure to use one of the many permeable materials on the market, including gravel, reinforced artificial grass and bonded compounds with a permeable resin mix. After new regulations were brought in last year, planning permission must now be sought for the conversion to an impermeable surface of any area around your house bigger than five square metres.
You could argue that by using your front garden for parking space you’re doing your bit for the environment — freeing the street for cyclists and making the roadway generally safer. There’s also the question of insurance: off-road parking means a lower premium. Some estate agents, particularly in inner city areas, argue that a house with its own car space fetches between £5,000 and £10,000 more than one without, though others say that a front garden full of flowers and shrubs adds value.
As a compromise, how about putting two hard tracks at the front of the house, leaving the rest of the area to absorb water and provide for the plants and birds? That way both your car and your conscience can rest easy.
Labels: save the earth, stop flooding
MEXICO, -Minister of environment ministers from the countries of the world's largest pollution, including the U.S. and China, on Monday (22 / 6), met in Mexico in the U.S. effort to speed up work to the important UN climate treaty.
Group called the Economic Forum-economic Large (MEF) is intended to help create a new agreement to keep the rate discharge of greenhouse gases, Prokokol in order to replace the Kyoto agreement when it discharged into force on 2012.
Third meeting the group decided the climate talks in traffic jams all over the world, before the summit meeting of Copenhagen in December, which aimed to produce a new UN treaty.
During the 12 days for discussion of climate change internasioal that ended last week in Germany without any results. There is no solution how to share the burden of reducing emissions in the future.
The poorest countries to request a significant reduction from the rich countries, which according to history, the majority must be answerable for this problem now.
They're mostly around 25-40 percent reduction in 1020 compared with the level of reduction in 1990. Some countries, including China, have said must be at least 40 percent.
In developed countries, the EU has offered a reduction of at least 20 percent in 1990, but Japan and the U.S. so far offer a reduction of eight and four respectively pesen.
MEF launched the U.S. President Barack Obama in the back of the preceding initiatives, George W Bush. Members met in Washington and Paris in April and May.
Participants include Australia, Brazil, UK, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Sweden and the U.S., and also to the EU-27 countries Europe.
"Representatives from the United Arab Emirates, Norway, and Spain will take part as observers," said some Mexican officials.
Discussion arrived when the increased international support to the proposal of Mexico that aims to collect billions of dollars to fight climate change through the organization called the Green Fund.
Plan that will require all governments to pay cash based on the formula that reflects the size of gross domestic product of each country.
Labels: global warming, solusi global warming
The stage was Ke-15 (COP-15) is an upcoming event to show the right to more than 190 countries in the world, both rich and poor, what is the idea of development based on clean technology.
Denmark in the 1970s was in the shipping industry and heavy industry slowly but surely began to leave it all. Effort not to rely on fossil fuels has brought Denmark to change policy drastically.
Daily Politiken journalist, Flemming Ytzen, in conference with the Compass, the beginning of June in Copenhagen, Denmark, said, "The COP-15 is a means for Denmark. For, while Denmark is nearly drowned in shadow because the German and Swiss Danish position in the remote north, "he said.
When viewed more closely, what the Danish can make us dumbfounded because the Danish government on the 1970's can be like a "revolutionary development" or "energy revolution". This is indeed very different from Indonesia despite the threats of disaster and there due to damage to the environment is very severe, it is all still in progress "business as usual". Changes like a specter.
Slowly, most of the factory began to move overseas in order to reduce air pollution. "Many factories, such as textile mills and shoe factories, began to move overseas, such as to China and other Asian countries," said the old Ytzen living in some Southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia.
The original work as factory laborers to move to the renewable energy industry. When the issue of climate change become a major world issue, Denmark does not have trouble because it has been in the correct paths. However, to confirm its position, the government invites the community to jointly face the challenges of climate change.
Danish citizens would not be subject to the new policy. "Initially, when the need to make pengetatan energy consumption in the 1970s that, many people protested. That lasted about one or two years, "said Claus Hermansen's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, he added, when some time and then people start to feel the benefits, the wave of protest was calm.
Realize the dream become a green country, the Danish tax that can reach 70 percent of individual income that starts with the invested funds to build the development of power with a combination of energy, forcing the government to establish a local waste processing company, among others Vestforbr? Nding that process waste and results from processing waste supply heating for housing.
According to Soren Skov, public relations officer Vestforbr? Nding, the company has now become a public company. Waste overcame problems, while profit was obtained . While the process of waste incinerators has zero emission, no emission.
Various efforts to mitigate
At least, Denmark can be an example to do some mitigation and adaptation programs in the challenge of climate change. Almost all the technology and run the system to reduce the Danish emissions karbonnya.
Problem of making technology beremisi low, some of the examples already cited, among other insulation system, the system combination of power and heating, and wind energy.
To reduce the carbon emissions that have been released, also at the Danish vanguard technology for carbon capture and storage (CCS) that is essentially capture carbon emissions and store them under the surface.
Denmark in the Danish Climate Solutions Vattenfall said that the company will make the approach for the development of CCS in Northern Jutland, north of Copenhagen. According to some geological experts, Jutland region is an ideal place for the development of CCS. About CCS, many parties do not agree because it is feared will lead to the leakage katastropi.
In addition to CCS, wind energy in Denmark has reached very advanced stages. Currently, wind energy has been successful in a few hours a year is able to generate electricity. Samsoe island, about four hours of cross Copenhagen, has become the only island in the world that is no longer using fossil fuels. They build the wind turbine industry, at least one wind turbine energy workers need about 13 people.
Denmark also the home of enzyme factory in the world, Novozymes, which produces the enzyme, if used, may be saving water. Novozymes has been reaching more than 130 countries and more than 50 percent of the market in the world.
All steps to confront the threat of climate change has been executed Denmark. And, now Denmark has manisnya savor the fruit of "revolutionary development." However, there is a voice that still sounds discordant from the non-government organizations. Figure Greenpeace Denmark, Tarjei Haaland, in a Monday Morning, have cited that Connie Hedegaard, Minister for Environment and Energy Danish, this time is "shoot" a matter of reducing carbon emissions Denmark.
Haaland demand transportation company that ships emisinya also calculated so that all visible more clearly and correctly. Currently, emissions from marine transportation services Maersk globally with nearly the same amount of carbon emissions throughout the country Denmark. There is not one country in the world that has a fleet of marine transportation services with the Danish Maersk it. That should now be working house-Connie known very critical of a fellow EU country.
Labels: article global warming
JAKARTA, - Scientists have designed a synthetic tree that can capture carbon dioxide from the air in an attempt to combat the increase of carbon emissions. "Tree" is shaped more like a small building of the tree, but carbon can absorb 1000 times faster than native trees.
One tree can absorb one synthetic tons of carbon dioxide per day, equivalent to the average amount spent 20 cars. Once stored in a closet, will be carbon dipadatkan and stored in liquid form and then explained.
Professor Klaus Lackner from the University of Colombia has been working on this concept since 1998. He later met with the official United States Department of Energy, Steven Chu, to discuss the development of this project. Through the company bermarkas in Tucson, Global Research Technologies, Lackner has made initial model and look forward to the perfect prototype in 3 years.
As described Lackner, technology used synthetic tree is similar to that usually used to absorb carbon dioxide from the chimney smoke in the coal mining. The difference, this tool can be used anywhere. According to Lackner, half of the total carbon emissions come from sources that are relatively small-sized, including cars and aircraft, and is usually not possible to almost absorbed. However, because the carbon dioxide in the air is usually very concentrated, the tool needed to menyerapnya can also be small.
Lackner hope is to create a synthetic tree that is efficient for its size. Compared with the amount of carbon dioxide emissions that can be avoided with the use of large windmill, a synthetic tree with the size of the same carbon dioxide can absorb hundreds of times more.
To create a synthetic tree needed funds to 30,000 U.S. dollars, largely due to the use of technology to remove carbon dioxide from the gas penghisap. In addition, because the energy needed to operate, the instrument itself also produces carbon dioxide, if connected with power source. According to calculations Lackner, for every 1,000 kg of carbon dioxide is absorbed, "tree" will produce 200 kg of carbon dioxide so that the total actually absorbed is 800 kg.
Labels: info technology, technology







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