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World weary, all tired and effect long-winded negotiations at the United Nations Framework on Climate Change Convention. Not surprisingly, voluntary movement from the state party is now gathering popularity. In fact, there is an idea to leave the two giants release of greenhouse gas emissions, the United States and China.
In science, if you calculated how much greenhouse gas emissions could be lowered by its own pursuit of this, he replied: do not (be) sufficient.
Emission reduction targets proposed expert Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that global emissions must fall by 50 percent in 2050 for the temperature rise can be limited below 2 degrees Celsius and there should also committed developed countries to reduce emissions at least 80 percent in 2050 from 1990 levels.
A number of key states have made rules that have been implemented, policies, and real programs. To be sure the action was real. They are laying the foundation for their low-carbon development.
These countries, among others:
Largest greenhouse gas emitter, China, is now internally implement energy efficiency targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions within the next five years, 2010-2015. The target is 40-45 percent reduction in carbon intensity by 2020 from levels in 2005.
Other countries, namely India, which target decrease its GHG emissions by, among others, provide subsidies, feed-in tariffs where people can sell its electricity to the state and the policies about the use of solar energy, as well as policies for industries that implement energy efficiency programs . The policy was known as the "Perform, Achieve, and Trade". There was also a net energy taxes for coal-fuel users as funding new projects and renewable energy.
While the U.S. as the second largest GHG emitter in the world is now moving with the Clean Air Act (Clean Water Act). Their target, namely reduction of GHG emissions by 17 percent from the level of emissions in 2005. Uncle Sam's country recently adopted new emissions standards for passenger vehicles and heavy vehicles and implement emission reduction on new factory-starting next year. Not to mention the State of California which first began construction of low-carbon.
While the member countries of the European Union collectively and individually also implemented various policies to increase the target reduction of GHG emissions to 30 percent below 1990 emission levels by 2020.
While Brazil continues to combat deforestation and to apply its target in 2020. Similarly, South Africa, will host the Meeting of the Parties The 17 (COP-17) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), has designed the emissions reduction program. Not to mention Indonesia, which last year pledged to reduce GHG emissions by 26 percent in 2020-although not yet published details of its program.
SLEMAN, INDONESIA-The eruption of Mount Merapi, currently a matter of time. It was announced by Head of Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Center Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Surono.
"If you look at the changes that occurred since September until now, estimated to Mount Merapi has reached the point of no return. That is, not going back again to its original state," he said while socializing at the Village Hall Kepuharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Friday (22 / 10/2010).
Does this condition Merapi volcano will soon erupt? Surono said, it depends from Mount Merapi. "If at any time or just erupted, only Mount Merapi alone knew," he said.
He said that with the increase of the alert status of Mount Merapi to the screen, handling the volcanic activity is directly taken over Volcanology Geological Disaster Mitigation Center (PVMBG). "In accordance with SOP since Mount Merapi upgraded from alert status becomes idle, the task of supervision of the mountain is now the responsibility of PVMBG," he explained.
He said the earthquakes that occurred at Merapi is currently larger than in 2006. "At this time the volcanic activity has increased by more than 500 percent," he said.
Surono explained, on October 20, 2010 or the day before the status of this mountain was raised to alert, there has been recorded 479 times multiphase earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes deep and shallow with a total of 39 events, and avalanches 29 times. "Other characteristics of the water content and gas Merapi has been greatly reduced. That is, the condition is already very hot. Our last Temperature record in the region Woro on October 20, reached 587 degrees Celsius," he said.
"We hope the eruption times is not very explosive, because if ekplosif would be too dangerous," he added.
Seeing the conditions on the ground that community around the slopes of Merapi was used to deal with possible disasters like this, it is not too worried. "The community is set up and in between they also have to undergo the exercises to deal with bad possibilities that happen," he said.
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Labels: gunung merapi, volcano
PATTERN modern life filled with busyness often override health. Intensive activities are often not accompanied by exercise and proper diet. Whereas the effects of global warming or global warming could make the human body resistance rapidly decreases. If not balanced with a healthy lifestyle, it is quite possible we will drop and eventually no longer able to complete the work that piled up.
Global warming is accompanied by high pollution levels. These conditions also led to the emergence of many new diseases. To anticipate, a healthy lifestyle should be applied. Eating healthy and nutritious food is important as a first step. "Eating healthy should not mean a good meal. Most important raw materials low in fat and fresh, "
Also, avoid smoking and alcoholic beverages also helps increase endurance. No less important is regular exercise. Keeping the fitness of which can be carried out in fitness centers. fitness has been popular in the community. This is evidenced by the many fitness centers everywhere. generally performed to improve physical fitness. But at some stage, have been used for the formation of the body (body building). "Many also do fitness to burn fat."
All types of existing equipment in the fitness center to burn fat effectively. But there are some tools that have functions such as cardiovascular or heart healthy a treadmill, stepper machines, and stationary bicycles. Fitness was performed according to at least 3 times and a maximum of 6 times a week. "At practice, can try all the tools to learn the benefits. After that, may use a tool partially to train the specific muscles, "he said.
Weight training each have different patterns and motifs. There are exercises for the muscles of the chest, back, arms, legs, and others. Time 45 minutes-1, 5 hours is enough exercise to maintain fitness origin carried out regularly.
Labels: artikel global warming
Some researchers predict the peak of the world's space solar storms will occur in mid 2013. Indications are based on current solar activity is increasing. This form of solar activity magnetic field, sunspots, flare, burst mass corona, solar wind and energetic particles.
"In 2012 until 2015 sunspots is estimated to reach that point very much and it will trigger a lot of explosions," said Dra Clara Yono Yatini, MSc, Head of Field Magnet Applications Geomagnet and Space National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan), on the sidelines of the socialization 2012-2015 space weather phenomena in Denpasar, Bali.
However, he says, people do not need to worry because the storm the sun will not destroy the world civilization. "The impact of solar storms may damage your system just technology alone," exclaimed Clara Yono.
Technology systems that are affected, for example, damage satellites, so disturb the communication network. Another effect of these solar storms can also disrupt the earth's magnetic field. As the solar storm in 1989 when the Canadian attack, clearly Clara, a blackout due to a transformer fire in the central power grid due to a very large flow in the subsurface. These solar storms can be anticipated in order not to cause damage, such as lethal as satellite networks and electricity networks in the event of a storm the sun.
"People should not be affected by the 2012 film because it was a fake science," Yono Clara messages. Lapan is now intensively to disseminate space weather phenomena over 2012-2015 to the community to straighten crooked stories that are not clearly related doomsday basically.
End of year 2012 issues as portrayed in the film in 2012 was during this hold is associated with a number of the natural phenomenon that will occur on earth, including this solar storm.
Labels: fenomena, Solar Storms
They strengthen the roots of Islamic theological concerns about the environment. Mahmoud Akef, the founder of Earth Mate Dialogue Center, which is based in London, England, say, environmental issues much discussed in the Qur'an. Likewise, in everyday life of the Prophet Muhammad, he has a lot to talk about the need to protect our environment.
He cited the actions of the scholars 600 years ago in Solaimania Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey. At that time, the principle of recycling was already known. They, who then use lighting of the oil / wax, so it does not capture the black smoke pollute the air. "Soot collected recycled into the ink," he said.
Emil Salim, a member of the Advisory Council President, after he became one of the speakers at the conference, talked about the causes of the decline of Islamic civilization.
"This issue (the decline of Islamic civilization) many theory. One result of the books written by Muslim scholars were burned when Istanbul raided (Mongols) in the 7th century. After the books out, the more developed Islamic jurisprudence issues, tend to emphasize teaching what is prohibited. For example, Muslims should not kill, should not be this, should not it, "he said.
According to him, it continues today, including in Indonesia. For example in addressing the problem of pornography. "The use of words or the negative tone of the ban was likely to limit thoughts. Therefore, the Qur'an should not only read but also studied and understood," he said.
According to him, the doctrine of prayer should be facing Qibla birth of astronomy. As a matter of doctrine that God created man from a lump of blood gave birth to medical science.
Regarding climate change, former Environment Minister pointed to the era of President Suharto that the problem is the result of an error of economic development policy. In economic development, preserving the environment is not included in the cost of production. "Consequently, there is the necessity of environmental impact analysis and processing of waste is not done well, even ignored because it considered only the production cost burden," he said.
Labels: recycling technology
Microsoft telah memperkenalkan sebuah ponsel bernama Kin. Ponsel ini didesain khusus untuk mereka yang aktif di jejaring sosial.
Seperti dikutip dari Coolest Gadgets, Selasa (13/4/2010), Microsoft telah mengumumkan kehadiran Kin. Ponsel itu akan tersedia di Amerika Serikat (Mei), Jerman, Italia, Spanyol dan Inggris (mulai Agustus).
Terdapat dua model Kin yang akan dikenalkan: Kin One dan Kin Two. Kedua ponsel layar sentuh plus keyboard geser itu memiliki perbedaan pada ukuran, One lebih kecil dan Two lebih besar.
Microsoft pun memperkenalkan fitur bernama Loop, Spot dan Studio. Fitur-fitur itu diklaim akan membantu pengguna jejaring sosial untuk terus aktif lewat Kin.
Loop adalah layar utama dari Kin. Layar ini akan selalu menampilkan hal terbaru dari account Facebook, MySpace, Twitter dan layanan jejaring sosial lainnya.
Sedangkan Spot merupakan fitur yang memudahkan berbagi di jejaring sosial. Konten (foto, video, halaman web, lokasi atau status) dan orang yang dituju bisa 'diseret' ke dalam Spot, lalu pengguna Kin bisa memilih dengan cara apa ia akan berbagi konten.
Nah, fitur Studio, merupakan fitur penyimpanan konten dari ponsel ke internet. Sehingga, pengguna Kin bisa mengakses konten tersebut lewat browser manapun.
Kin akan menjadi ponsel Windows Phone pertama yang sudah memiliki fitur Zune. Perangkat ini diproduksi oleh Sharp dan didistribusikan oleh Verizon Wireless (AS) serta Vodafone (Jerman, Italia, Spanyol dan Inggris).
Labels: microsoft, technology
Opera Mini akhirnya disetujui untuk hadir di App Store. Pengguna iPhone pun diklaim bisa mencicipi browsing lebih cepat berkat aplikasi tersebut. Benarkah?
Aplikasi browser web untuk iPhone dan iPod Touch, Opera Mini App dari Opera Software, sudah mulai bisa digunakan sejak Selasa (13/4/2010). Aplikasi tersebut tersedia secara gratis di App Store Indonesia.
Dari sisi tampilan, fitur dan penggunaan, sebenarnya tak banyak perbedaan antara Opera Mini App dengan browser bawaan Safari dari Apple. Keduanya pun sama-sama gratis sehingga tak ada perbedaan soal harga pula.
Namun satu hal yang selalu menonjol dari kehadiran Opera Mini di platform apapun adalah kecepatan akses halaman web yang ditawarkannya. Hal ini bisa tercapai karena Opera melakukan kompresi halaman web yang diakses hingga, menurut klaim Opera, maksimal 90 persen.
Nah, bagaimana dengan Opera Mini untuk iPhone. Berdasarkan uji singkat yang dilakukan, terbukti bahwa Opera Mini memang lebih cepat daripada Safari. Bahkan dalam beberapa kasus perbedaan kecepatan itu bisa jadi cukup signifikan.
Labels: info technology, technology
Washington: AOL plans to close or sell the social networking site Bebo, which bought U.S. $ 850 million two years ago, according to a memo from management that was published in Washington, DC, Tuesday (6 / 4). "In an annual filing for Bebo that we'll make tomorrow, AOL will show that it is currently evaluating strategic alternatives, which could include the sale or off Bebo in 2010," said AOL's memo to employees obtained by Silicon Valley Insider and other technology blog .
"Bebo, unfortunately, is a business that has declined. And as a result, will require significant investment to compete in the competitive social networking space," says a memo from Jon Brod, the AOL executive vice president Ventures. In essence, today AOL is not in a position to fund further and support Bebo in the turn around in pursuit of social networking.
"AOL is committed to work quickly to determine if there are interested parties to Bebo and the company's current expectation is to complete our strategic evaluation at the end of May 2010," said Brod. Bebo has steadily losing its competitive edge against social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace.
AOL, formerly known as America Online, Time Warner released in December became an independent company. Tim Armstrong, a former Google executive, has started a round of aggressive cost cutting at AOL since taking control last year and plans to refocus the company on "content, advertising, and communications."
New York: leading car manufacturers around the world are competing eco-friendly mini car show with the latest model in Car Exhibition in New York, United States, Wednesday (31 / 3). General Motors (GM) launched a thrifty gasoline-powered car, the Chevrolet Cruze Eco.
"The new model has a level of fuel efficiency with the same type of hybrid," said GM spokesman.
Different situation occurs in the Toyota. In the midst of declining sales due to a massive withdrawal of the car, Toyota introduced a small two-door sports car for the younger generation and an ultra-mini cars with less than three meters long. The plan, cars will be sold in the United States early next year.
Ford Motor Manufacturers also do not want to miss the launch control system in rechargeable battery for electric vehicles. The system automatically recharges the battery at night when utility rates lower. Lingkangan friendly car was developed with Microsoft.
GM, Nissan, and other Chinese carmakers, plans to launch electric cars in the U.S. market. With competition so antarprodusen energy efficient cars that are expected to heat up.
Labels: green tech, info technology, technology
Alga (algae), red or red algae is considered the most powerful counteracting free radicals. So says the Head of Indonesian Traditional Medicines Poly Dr dr Soetomo Arijanto Jonosewojo, SpPD, at Surabaya on Friday (11/12/2009).
He said, multivitamin supplements and chemicals that are consumed over long periods prooksidan feared causing congestion or free radicals that can trigger cancer and diabetes mellitus.
Asta xanthine, the active substance contained in red algae, has anti-oxidant content of more than 6,000 times and 1,000 times the vitamin C, vitamin E. Therefore, apart from having the ability naturally ward off free radicals, the red algae also serves as an anti-aging or prevent aging.
"Red Algae can also be used to facilitate blood circulation, repairing damaged cells, and produce insulin in the blood," he said.
To produce a substance contained in Hematococcus pluviallis Astaxanthine, red algae have a long process. Initially, the red algae are not colored red, but green.
Red algae green colored initially inserted into a tube to get enough sunlight. Because getting enough sunlight, plants such berklorofil turns red.
"Proliferation of red algae is still done in Hawaii, although originally from Japan," he said.
Meanwhile in Indonesia, the red algae has not been mass-produced because no one mengembangbiakkannya. "If anything, it must be very expensive because it must be imported from abroad,"
Labels: sciences
Geneva: Ferrari's new bombshell in the exhibition of vehicles at the Geneva Motor Show this year, with Ferrari launched the 599 Hybrid. In the website of The Telegraph recently, Ferrari 599 experimental hybrid vehicles appear as in the Geneva auto show which is currently dominated by electricity-fueled vehicles and environmentally friendly.
Shown in green "Kermit" Ferrari 599 hybrids become one of the star exhibit. This is a sign that the car maker deluxe super-fast and began to consider the environmental impact. According to Fabrizio Favaretto engineers, the latest Ferrari called HY-KERS still perform exclusively with only two seats and using the technology of Formula One Ferrari. Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) that connects to the braking system of a lithium-ion battery into energy.
Fabrizio claim Electrical energy is stored and converted into a powerful energy around 650 volts, so it can provide additional power 100 horsepower. Energy is used to complement the additional power V12 engine speed and capacity of six liters of gasoline and also to run the AC and power steering pump. In addition, with these technologies, Fereri able to increase the fuel consumption of 15.8 miles per gallon and reduce emissions of carbon dioxide up 415 g / km.
But unfortunately this new hybrid Ferrari prices much more expensive because the price prices 207.075 or approximately USD 3.1 billion. But Ferrari promised the next five years will be far more affordable price with a lighter weight.
Labels: info technology, technology
Automotive enthusiasts who know a lot of LPG can be replaced when the gasoline engine runs like a motorcycle. The result will be more economical and environmentally friendly. However, the facts are still too few people who dared to apply it.
If you do not know the technique, LPG cylinder for motorcycle fuel could explode and harm others around him, "said Budi Soelaiman Sunarto, founder of the Business Multipurpose Cooperative (KSU) Agro Makmur, Karanganyar regency, Central Java.
Currently LPG in containers the size of three kilograms of small tube is very easy to find. But, still not so many people are familiar with gasoline to LPG conversion techniques to running motorcycle engine.
Budi since 1998 formed the company in the village of Agro Makmur Doplang, Karangpandan, Karanganyar District. He developed an environmentally friendly energy technology-based ethanol and bio-methane or biogas. Equipped also making its production facilities, such as biogas tool to convert waste consumption of dry organic waste into methane or facilities for the use of bio-ethanol with fuel-efficient stoves ethanol.
Since 2009 found LPG to fuel motorbikes. One kilogram of LPG has been tested is able to run the bike as far as 100 kilometers to 200 kilometers. Mileage as far as it will depend on passenger load and gradient to the road taken.
LPG can not necessarily just flowed into the combustion chamber engine motorcycles. If done carelessly, sparks in the combustion chamber will creep toward the source of LPG, the LPG cylinder explodes.
Budi said the key lies in the membrane. Membrane made of metal tubes that hold stocks of LPG before entering the combustion chamber through the carburetor. Then the carburetor was modified. Not too complicated modify it, stay off pelampungnya function. Function buoy was replaced with the membrane.
"Only two things that must be done. Never try to drain directly into the combustion chamber of LPG through the carburetor. Sparks will spread everywhere, LPG cylinder will explode, "
Gas supply valve
To test the feasibility of the membrane, Budi assisted researchers from the Center for Radioactive Waste Technology National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) Suryadi. According Suryadi, replacing the working principle of membrane function by considering the flexibility of the material floats.
The membrane consists of an iron tube 8 inches in diameter with a length of about 4 centimeters. On the surface of the upper and lower layers of rubber tube is given membrane. In order not to leak, rubber surface
coated with a thin metal plate. Of the membrane tube was supplied to the carburetor, the gas delivery valve.
According Suryadi, in testing the feasibility of the membrane, resistance to pressure to reach the required minimum of 12 bar. This is to anticipate the strength that comes from the pressure of LPG LPG cylinder.
Membrane limits the ability to hold on to exceed 12 bar pressure on the LPG cylinder which is only 10 bars.
After the LPG flow to the carburetor into the combustion chamber, will drape over the air. Regarding the composition, generally on a motorcycle petrol to 1 for gasoline with a capacity of 13 to 15 air capacity.
According to Budi, unlike the case with compositions that are required on LPG with air. Its composition is proportional to the capacity of LPG and 1 in 5 to 18 air capacity.
Such details. To start up the engine or motor, it takes the composition of 1 to 5 for the LPG and air (1: 5). Furthermore, for stationary engines running with the composition 1: 8.
Towards acceleration composition engine up 1: 12 and a 1: 18 when running normally.
3 kilograms of LPG retail prices in the market Rp 14,000 to Rp 15,000 per tube. This price is equivalent to about 3.3 liters of gasoline (the price of Rp 4,500 per liter).
According Suryadi, the range of 1 kilogram of LPG mileage could be 100 to 200 kilometers. So, one kilogram LPG cylinder 3 can be used for distances ranging from 300 to 600 kilometers, whereas only 3.3 liters of gasoline to around 100 kilometers.
"LPG is made from butane and propane are still relatively expensive when compared to the methane can be produced through anaerobic combustion of dry organic waste," said Suryadi.
Methane, according to Suryadi, the future of transportation fuels. Only this time packing and distribution is still a constraint.
Labels: energy alternative
Imagine that someday you could wrap a gift with wrapping paper that read "Happy Birthday!" that can be lit without conventional batteries that we know so far, because the paper itself the batteries. That's one possible use of new batteries are made from cellulose, ie paper material, so that environmentally friendly because it can be decomposed by nature.
The scientists from various countries are trying to develop a battery of thin, flexible, lightweight, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly, made entirely from non-metallic materials. One of the most promising materials for polymer beterai is helpless-inter. However, until now this material is used as the battery is less practical, because the ability to store electrical charges are often reduced due to wear.
Made easy
This new battery-making materials found Cladophora green algae that is often considered a bully. Freshwater plants like this hair piled up and rotting away in the world, disturbing sights and smells sting.
This alga has an unusual type of cellulose, the cellulose surface features a very spacious, which is 100 times the cellulose paper. This enabled the researchers to double the number of inter-polymer-powered, so the battery is more effective to be filled up again, better able to withstand and distribute electric power.
"We have long expected useful invention of algal material and now it is reasonably possible," said researcher Mary Strømme, nanotechnology experts from the University of Uppsala, Sweden. "This opens new possibilities for large-scale production for the energy storage system that is environmentally friendly, cost effective, and lightweight."
This new type of battery consists of thin layers of polymer inter-sized power-only 40 to 50 nanometers, or from the algal cellulose fiber wrappers one at a billion yards wide, just wide as 20 to 30 nanometers which is taken to be a sheet of paper.
Fast rechargeable
This new type of battery can carry electrical power from 50 to 200 percent more than the battery-powered polymer among other similar, and if later been optimized, it may even be able to compete with lithium batteries. These batteries can also be recharged far more quickly than usual battery refills - compare a normal battery takes at least an hour for recharging, while a new battery is only needed 11 seconds to eight minutes.
DaLA development, new battery has also shown remarkable progress in terms of its ability to hold power line usage. When compared with other polymer batteries that power of detention capacity by 50 percent after 60 cycles-to-use content, this new battery only lost 6 percent after 100 cycles.
"In the thick polymer layer, it is difficult to recharge all of the material properly, instead it turned into an insulator material (barrier), so its capacity actually decreased," explained Gustav Nystrom, an expert in electrochemistry from the University of Uppsala. "If the thin layers, and can accommodate the entire issued share power well."
Flexible electronics
The researchers suggested that their batteries dapakai seems suitable for flexible electronic devices, such as fabrics and packaging materials.
"We do not intend to replace or lithium ion battery - we want to find a battery that does not exist," said Strømme. "For instance, the battery can be charged under the wallpaper to light sensors in your home. Or how about when placed in your clothes, and used to sweat scanner to check if you hurt?"
Future research directions are also considering how much battery power is lost from this over time, which is a common problem for batteries and other types of polymers. The study also looked at the possibility enlarge the scale of this new type of battery, "We'll see what happens when the battery is made in very large scale."
Happy Earth Day 2010! Do not forget to turn off the lights for an hour, at 20.30-21.30 local time.
Different cities from 92 countries today getting ready to turn off the lights for an hour just to commemorate Earth Day and support the movement of saving the environment against climate change.
Last year, the event was attended by 88 countries. New areas that participated in 2010, including Kosovo, Madagascar, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Cambodia, Czech Republic, Paraguay, Ecuador, and the Northern Marina Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
Earth Hour management committee, ie turn off lights for an hour the deal was confirmed that this year 1100 the city had agreed to participate. "Earth Hour Earth's population reflects the determination to make the world a better and healthier," said Earth Hour executive director Andy Ridley. "This event brings together a number of cities, communities, businesses and individuals in an effort to combat climate change,"
Labels: earth day
When you have an exhibition for your business to make it more famous, you will need a table cover to make your table that you use in your exhibition look more glamorous. It will make your customer interested to come to your stands and take a look around. They might be get involve to your business and make your business get more popular towards your customers. You have to make sure that your table cover looks more proper than before. When you have the right table cover, you will get lots of benefits from that.
In the trade show exhibits, you have to make sure that your table display is in the right place. Besides, if you choose the right table covers, the customer that take a look for your products will get interested with it, and they might be will buy some of your products. You have to make sure that your table top display gets the best vision to make your customer easier to take a look at your products. However, if your table cover did not match with your exhibition, it will make your exhibition failed. You can also find the best design of directors chairs in the site that you have already choose to provides the best products that they have.
Nature conservation agency under the United Nations to remind the importance of Climate Change Conference in 2009 produced an ambitious agreement. Pickling sea due to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere caused the extinction of species of marine biota.
Food security is threatened and seriously affect the world economy. In fact, pickling sea rose 30 percent since the industrial age 250 years ago. "Pickling the sea was described as 'wicked pair' of climate change," said Navy Vice Chair IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Dan Laffoley at the launch of a report in The Ocean and Climate Change Tools and Guidelines for Action at the Bella Center, Copenhagen, Danish.
Endangered marine biota include coral reefs and shelled animals, which is a key ocean organisms. Coral reefs are a holder of hundreds of thousands of species of life, including ornamental fish and commercial fish, which provide livelihoods for many coastal communities. Shelled animals play an important role in the marine food chain.
High levels of acid-sea coral reefs causing death, which took tens to hundreds of years to recover. If that happens, the sea can be a source of peril. Whereas 70 percent of the area consists of the world ocean. In addition, nearly 90 percent of the world population is tangent to the sea.
Research publications mentioned, if the CO levels in the atmosphere continue to rise, the acidity of seawater will increase 120 percent in 2060, the largest in 21 million this year. In the year 2100, 70 percent of coral exposed to the cold sea water corrosive. "Marine must be one of the main issues in the discussion," Laffoley said.
Besides the fact the world's population directly dependent on the sea, the ocean has absorbed 25 percent of CO emitted per year and supply of oxygen for living things.
In fact, marine issues still major issues to be negotiated. Recognized that there is a lack of data supporting the role of the ocean as carbon sinks. Especially for the sea in the tropics, such as Indonesia. Some of the judge released more emissions because of the influence of ocean currents and the position of the Sun. Head of the IUCN Marine Program says Carl Gustaf Lundin, now is the right time to cut the rate of emissions in large numbers.
Labels: save sea life
Let's save the sea life
Nature conservation agency under the United Nations to remind the importance of Climate Change Conference in 2009 produced an ambitious agreement. Pickling sea due to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere caused the extinction of species of marine biota.
Food security is threatened and seriously affect the world economy. In fact, pickling sea rose 30 percent since the industrial age 250 years ago. "Pickling the sea was described as 'wicked pair' of climate change," said Navy Vice Chair IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Dan Laffoley at the launch of a report in The Ocean and Climate Change Tools and Guidelines for Action at the Bella Center, Copenhagen, Danish.
Endangered marine biota include coral reefs and shelled animals, which is a key ocean organisms. Coral reefs are a holder of hundreds of thousands of species of life, including ornamental fish and commercial fish, which provide livelihoods for many coastal communities. Shelled animals play an important role in the marine food chain.
High levels of acid-sea coral reefs causing death, which took tens to hundreds of years to recover. If that happens, the sea can be a source of peril. Whereas 70 percent of the area consists of the world ocean. In addition, nearly 90 percent of the world population is tangent to the sea.
Research publications mentioned, if the CO levels in the atmosphere continue to rise, the acidity of seawater will increase 120 percent in 2060, the largest in 21 million this year. In the year 2100, 70 percent of coral exposed to the cold sea water corrosive. "Marine must be one of the main issues in the discussion," Laffoley said.
Besides the fact the world's population directly dependent on the sea, the ocean has absorbed 25 percent of CO emitted per year and supply of oxygen for living things.
In fact, marine issues still major issues to be negotiated. Recognized that there is a lack of data supporting the role of the ocean as carbon sinks. Especially for the sea in the tropics, such as Indonesia. Some of the judge released more emissions because of the influence of ocean currents and the position of the Sun. Head of the IUCN Marine Program says Carl Gustaf Lundin, now is the right time to cut the rate of emissions in large numbers.
Labels: save a sea life
Extreme rainfall and cliff cracks suspected to cause landslides. Researchers from soil erosion Environmental Geography UGM,, rainfall in the region reached 75 millimeters per hari.Padahal, under normal conditions of rainfall ranges from 10 to 20 millimeters per day.
at the top of the cliff that there are cracks that have been closed sedimen.Saat high rainfall, the water continued to enter into the cracks because they do not hold water then the cliff landslide.
t landslide-prone areas, usually can be seen from the ground geological factors.
T land in the volcanic deposits of loose materials like sand and andesite so easy landslide.
"The condition is quite high landslide potential, there is much less vibration, resulting in unstable soil movement, the" bias landslide disasters happen all the time.
Labels: Causes of landslides
These crystals are red-orange and allows the creation of electronic devices more environmentally friendly.
Several types of computers can store information by using the character ferroelektrik metal, or metal means it can create positive and negative pole when placed in an electric field. But, usually metal used is a rare species or toxic.
Now, Sachio Horiouchi from the National Institute of Science and Technology of Advanced Industrial Ibaraki, Japan, and his colleagues have discovered the nature of the material ferroelektrik crystal croconic acid, which contains only carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
Croconic acid was found 170 years ago, but only in the last decade could be crystallized. When the team Horiuchi provide an electric field in the crystal at room temperature, they can turn the electricity poles.
But the researchers also saw that there was delay between the time the field is removed until the polarity of the crystal is turned. Horiuchi said, is regular for ferroelektrik. Also, this is a clear sign that there is the ability to save and change the electric polarization. These findings suggest that croconic acid can lead to the creation of electronic equipment organic.
Marty Gregg of Queen's University, Belfast, UK, stated, in fact already found other organic polymers that also have ferroelektrik properties, for example polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). "But the organic system than PVDF ferroelektrik pretty cool, because it opens more possibilities for all kinds of organic equipment."
However, he also warned that the results of Horiuchi team also showed that the acid may be too lelet croconic polarity changes to be used as RAM (random access memory for computers) that are ferroelektrik. "But I think these findings will remain warm welcome."
We are organizing the largest exhibitions in the concept of one-stop shopping with prices on the manufacturer can guarantee the price we offer reasonably priced, from a variety of tradeshow stan.we has helped many customer. we trade show made offers so many items on offer such as: truss, floor tile, banner stands, chairs, lamps, cabinets, furniture table and much more, we are the largest exhibition organizer is by offering a variety of goods with different show's exhibits are always a lot of visitors that come to the producers like to work same with us, and many producers are willing to reduce prices in order to achieve higher sales in our exhibitions, so you as the buyer will feel lucky to get a cheap nutrient high-quality goods.
As an example of our products are very interested in a lot of buyers are table civers, to us you will find the closing table with a very high quality.Camelback Displays, Inc. ™ is one of the producers who always provide quality goods with low prices and with many options and colors model according to what you want, and if you want to immediately replace the cover your table would not hurt if you order or buy it at our exhibitions, because we will always be there with the best goods. One more product that we offer to you the table top display that we showcase the variety of unique designs and attractive to a room in your house.And in addition we also offer you an interesting directors chairs to have a variety of designs and strengths as well as a variety of colors and types, and you will not be made difficult to get it, because we offer our hot line at all times ready to serve and deliver your order, until your home, and you will get a satisfaction with the quality of goods and services to you.
Labels: trade show's exhibits, tradeshow
Addis Ababa, - Gap along the 55 kilometers in the desert of Ethiopia is expected to develop into a new ocean. 6 meters wide slit at some point it begins to open in 2005, and some geologists believe it will become the embryo of a new ocean.
In a study involving a team of international researchers and reported in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, revealed that the gap formation process is similar to what happened in the bottom of the ocean. The same activity is happening today in the Red Sea.
Using seismic data set from 2005, the researchers tried to reconstruct events to show that the gap is open throughout the 55 kilometers in just a few days. Initially, Dabbahu, which is a volcano at the north end of the crack, split, and the flow of magma pushed through the middle of the gap and began to open cracks in both directions.
"We know that the mountains appeared from the ocean floor as magma pressure, but we'll never know that the magma pressure can make it split like this," said Cindy Ebinger, Professor of Earth and Environment at the University of Rochester.
It shows that the active volcanoes along the edge of the ocean tectonic plates can suddenly broke out in large part, and not in small part as believed so far. Events crack came suddenly in the land would be more dangerous for people living in the vicinity, "Ebinger said.
African and Arabian plates meet in the remote Afar desert of North Ethiopia is beginning to split from the process with a rate of less than 1 inch per year over the last 30 million years. This gap Afar depression formed along the 300 km to the Red Sea. Through this route, the Red Sea is expected to flow into the crack in Ethiopia and formed a new sea about a million years. The new ocean will connect the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea between Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula and Somalia in East Africa.
Labels: effec global warming
Indonesia - Experts astronomy reveals that a large explosion occurred in the waters of the Gulf of Bone on October 8, 2009 and is due to the fall of a meteorite that originated from the asteroid diameter of about 10 meters into the earth.
"The explosion occurred due to atmospheric pressure causes the release of considerable energy, where the meteorite fall rate of about 20.3 km per second or 73,080 km per hour," said astronomers from the Institute of Aviation and Space Agency (Lapan) Dr Thomas Djamaluddin in Jakarta , Tuesday (27/10).
International monitoring system to ban nuclear testing from 11 stations, he said, reported having detected a large explosion that centered around the latitude and longitude 4.5 LS 120 BT, around 11:00 on October 8th Wita. Blast analysis showed that the explosive force of about 50 kilotons of TNT (Trinitrotoluene) and signals the explosion which also reached the high stratosphere more than 20 km.
Most asteroids that fell did not cause damage on Earth, but its diameter reaches more than 25 meters. Djamal say, based on the estimated distribution of meteoroids, asteroids in the space near Earth, such objects have probably fallen on the earth every 2 to 12 years.
On Thursday (8 / 10), citizen Bone, South Sulawesi, were startled by the sound of the explosion in which several witnesses had seen the object emits fire and smoke in the air.
However, information maze outstanding, most thought the explosion was an explosion of Sukhoi fighter jets conducting training of the Air Squadron headquarters at 11 Hassanuddin Sultan Air Base, Makassar.
Meanwhile, the Meteorological Agency, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) IV Makassar had claimed to have been a small earthquake of 1.9 on the Richter scale (SR) on the surface at the border of Bone and Wajo, where the region is Sa `at fault.
Other residents say, an explosion that could cause vibrations in the ground was caused by fish bombing carried out the local fishermen, but there are also people who have guessed that the object was a meteorite.
Labels: Asteroid Explosion Fall
From May to late October in the northern waters of Indonesia has established 23 cyclones or tropical storms. The number of storms in the region until the end of November is forecasted to be at or above normal.
Coordinator of the Tropical Cyclone Warning Center Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (TCWC-BMKG) Fachri Rajab, in Jakarta, Thursday (29/10), said that, under normal conditions, the average number of storms, which formed April-November, is 25 , 7 cyclones. Benchmark is based on data from 1968 to 1990.
"There's still time for another month for the formation of cyclones in northern Indonesia. The number of cyclones that formed the current dispute is only 2.7 compared with the average, "said Fachri.
Since the tropical storm that emerged Kyjira and May 8, following 23 other storms. One is the storm that decays Lupit Tuesday (27/10) at around 19:00 pm, 13:00 o'clock in the afternoon the storm had grown Mirinae.
Thursday (29/10) afternoon Mirinae moving toward the east Philippines, the position of latitude 15.8 north and 13.6 east longitude. The distance is 1700 kilometers northeast of Manado.
Mirinae moving into the Pacific Ocean does not give effect to the region is Indonesia. Currently Mirinae still in stable condition with a speed of 139 kilometers per hour.
From tropical storms formed since May, three of which led to the disaster, namely Ketsana and Parma in the Philippines and Taiwan Morakot hit.
For Indonesia, the weather disturbances that could impact on the territory of Indonesia which is close to the storm because of its vortex lines can draw air mass around the equator.
"The emergence of Parma, for example, the wind caused the branch to the north Sulawesi and Maluku," he said.
Therefore, the lifetime of a storm that lasted three days to two weeks continued to be monitored TCWC-BMKG, to see the potential impact for Indonesia, in the form of strong winds, heavy rain and high waves.
Tropical storms formed since sea temperatures above 27 degrees Celsius and wind speeds of more than 67 miles per hour, said Hary Tirto, Head of Meteorological Information BMKG subfields.
Currently, Indonesia entered a period of transition to the rainy season. This is indicated heavy rain and lightning and strong winds a short duration in most of Sumatra; western Borneo, southern, and eastern and some areas in northern part of Central Kalimantan.
Labels: Tropical Storm
Flood alert
JAKARTA, - zone climate forecasting in Indonesia is currently entering the peak of the rainy season. Therefore, some areas downstream watershed and basin needs to beware the threat of heavy rains in a relatively long time that could potentially flood. High rainfall has the potential to occur until the end of January.
This was conveyed Head of Research and Development of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Edvin Adrian, Tuesday (19/1/2010). The rainy season is marked by the occurrence of rain in the evening and early morning.
"The threat of flooding may occur in areas that have been saturated soil because the water absorbs rain since the beginning of the season. Therefore, the rain continued until early in the morning again feared could cause flooding in Jakarta," said Edvin. Similar threats potentially occur in the region around Jakarta, among others, Tangerang and Bekasi.
Major floods in Jakarta in 2002, 2007, and 2008, continued Edvin, beginning with early morning rain until early morning. This is due to land breeze intersection leading to the sea and winds from the north region.
Invasion from the north wind came from Siberia who turn in Hong Kong and headed to Southeast Asia. The formation of this Siberian winds have seen the last few days, the lower the air pressure up to 10 millibars. The wind from the mainland of North Asia that could take place in a matter of weeks.
Madden Julian Oscillation
Meanwhile, Geo System Manager and Hazard Mitigation Technology Laboratory (Geostech) Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) Fadli weather anomalies Shamsuddin saw this a few days. According to him, it was caused by weather anomaly called Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO).
Based on meteorological satellite (Meteorological satellite) MJO anomalies visible symptoms that affect the regional climate in Indonesia.
It also looks low pressure or depression that formed vorteks air or turbulence in the north of Sabah.
"This weather disturbance will strengthen the intensity of rainfall in areas north coast of Java, West Kalimantan, and Lampung next few days,"
Labels: Flood alert
BANDUNG, - Enthusiasm solar eclipse witnessed not only citizens of Indonesia have shown, but also a number of foreign tourists who happened to be visiting Bosscha Observatory, Friday (15/1/2010) evening.
One of them is Justin Baznson (23), a tourist from Canada. I was so enthusiastic, Justin who came with 9 friends from Canada have the most unique way of watching some of this solar eclipse. T-shirt t-shirt he wore when it pulled over her head.
Fair, cover the glare (the sun). "Try it if you do not believe it," said the man who followed the Canada World Youth program in Indonesia will invite Compass follow his actions.
Well, that's when it was too enthusiastic. However, this can be understood. Because, according to Justin's confession, this is his first experience watching a solar eclipse. Understandably, he used to live in Northern Canada that let alone an eclipse, which passed the sun seldom shines.
No less unique, a visitor observed an eclipse with a protective shield used for welding. However, what Justin and the man who uses this welding shield is not really recommended. Because, besides not feasible, the observation was not optimal.
Some visitors choose to buy special glasses equipped with filters that have been provided in Bosscha. Some are already armed with paper Millar, the silver paper which he said could weaken to a tenth of the sun thousands of times. Some choose queue in front of the house and Unitron telescope dome in front of Carl Zeiss AG to more clearly see the solar eclipse using special glasses.
From observations in Bosscha, eclipse visible only in part. The sun is usually visible round bump on the right. This occurs because the entry of the shadow of the moon in the eastern part of the sun.
Labels: solar eclipse
Louis Vuitton handbags make you more elegant and you'll become more sophisticated, because the design is very attractive and made in France by a designer who has experience and make a race of Louis Vuitton, erek No. 1 in the world today .havei Vuitton bag is lpuis mrnjadi dream of many women in the world today. even many of those who are willing to spend lots of money to have this bag.
Louis Vuitton handbags are designed with all sincerity to make a perfect result, this bag is made from selected materials that generate high-quality handbags and elegant, with many seeking Louis Vuitton bags and we as producers became interested in creating service we are having is easy to get in or get a bag Louis Vuitton's famous, we make the services online making it easier for you to get it, now you no longer hard to find L V bag because we provide an online store and is easy to get in the shop, and we also ensure that goods that we offer is a genuine product and you will be satisfied with that, we also accept payment by credit card that allows you to make payments.
so do not hesitate to come and visit us now only at, And we will make it easy for your satisfaction, so you do not have to look into the various places and waste a lot of your time, and not necessarily a
Labels: Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton bags, louis vuitton handbags, LV
Wearing a Louis Vuitton handbag is a pride for which have, as Louis Vuitton handbags are the best quality at the moment, with a unique design that is consistent yet not forgetting luxurious and elegant, the Louis Vuitton bags produced in France by the designers who have experienced, resulting in a quality bag because using materials choices that will ensure quality. With a variety of colors and types that make a lot of color and fashion choice that you would like and more anxious to get.
Louis Vuitton bag is much to find, even many women are willing to spend enough money to get or has particularly this Louis Vuitton bag, did you all do not miscast, since Louis Vuitton bags do have good quality and the No. 1 brand in the world today this, we as producers that sell Louis Vuitton bags do not want to make trouble for those who seek and wish to obtain or have Louid Vuitton bag, therefore we opened the online shopping services make it easy for you to get what is your desire, we present provides an online store that we call, With our online service will accept payment by credit card, which will make it easier for you to make a payment transaction, you can even purchase do directly from your home internet service.
So if you want to get a LV bag or please come visit us soon to make purchases and enjoy the convenience of our services, have LV bags are going to add a plus for those who wear it, so many women who want to possess, let alone wait for messages or shopping now , only at, has a Louis Vuitton bag that would make your life more luxurious and elegant.
Labels: Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton bags, louis vuitton handbags, LV
Louis Vuitton handbag is a dream for many women around the world, because Louis vuitton bag has the cirri and besainnya has interesting and has many options also shape and color that makes you be more interested to have it, Louis Vuitton handbag made in france by experienced designers, using selected materials that would produce goods or a quality bag and also very good.
Many people have dreamed of LV bags and they do not hesitate to spend much money to get the bag of their dreams, no one chose the Louis Vuitton bags, because in addition to using the very best materials, this bag is also consistent with a unique design and very interesting , with a variety of elegant color options and we berkualitas.tetapi sometimes confused where to look or where we should bernelanja, with such circumstances we create online stores to meet demand and make the Louis Vuitton bag as our flagship product, the online shop service facility will be more easy for you to buy a Louis Vuitton bag, because with the online store services we provide, you can just sit at home and make a purchase online at
Wait what else, immediately do a purchase with your online store facility to make payments using a credit card.
Labels: Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton bags, louis vuitton handbags, LV
To get their Louis Vuitton handbags a lot of people who seek it in different places, even looking on the internet, with many looking on the internet so we provide an online shop would be easy for you to get a Louis Vuitton handbag of your dreams so far, it's all not in vain, because it will get a quality bag and the style and elegance. Because Louis Vuitton bags or the use made by famous and experienced designers from the French and the French made using selected materials to produce high-quality bag.
Unique impression has still to be characteristic of the Louis Vuitton handbag, thus making the bag Louis Vuiton much looking and many of the women who want to possess, with all colors and designs are unique and interesting Louis Vuitton bags to make a brand No. 1 in the world today , did not a few people willing to spend enough money to get this Louis Vuitton bag.
To get their Louis Vuitton bags, many women or people who look in to different places or shops, even many who do find on the internet, with many who seek to use the internet, so we opened an online store that would be easy for you to get a Louis Vuitton handbag that your dreams for this, it's all worth it, because it will get a quality bag and the style and elegance. Because Louis Vuitton bag or the use made by famous and experienced designers from the French and the French made using selected materials to produce high-quality bag.
If you are still confused and do not find online stores where a really good service and how where to get it? And you do not want to either select online stores which actually provides goods or bag genuine and assure their authenticity, if you do not want to either select, you can click on all of our online store services, we will ensure that the LV bags that we offer, or we sell is original, and you are not afraid of one another select, by using online shopping services you can also save time by not going into many stores out there that you may not get, to search for LV bag , because we are online stores we also accept payment by credit card, it can also facilitate you in making a payment. So make no mistake select another online shop and order now!
Labels: Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton bags, louis vuitton handbags, LV
Unique impression has still to be characteristic of the Louis Vuitton handbags, thus making the bag Louis Vuiton much looking and many of the women who want to possess, with all colors and designs are unique and interesting Louis Vuitton bags to make a brand No. 1 in the world today , did not a few people willing to spend enough money to get this Louis Vuitton bag.
To get their Louis Vuitton bags a lot of people who seek it in different places, even looking on the internet, with many looking on the internet so we provide an online shop would be easy for you to get a Louis Vuitton handbag of your dreams so far, it's all not in vain, because it will get a quality bag and the style and elegance. Because Louis Vuitton bag or the use made by famous and experienced designers from the French and the French made using selected materials to produce high-quality bag.
If you are still confused as where to get it? You do not want to either select online stores which actually provides goods or bag genuine and assure their authenticity, if you do not want to either select, you can click on all our services online stores, we will ensure that LV bags that we offer, or we sell is original, and you are not afraid of one another select, by using online shopping services you can also save your time for search LV bag, and we accept payment by credit card, it can also be a ease you in making payments. So make no mistake select stores online and order now!
Labels: Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton bags, Louis Vuitton hand bags, LV
Louis Vuitton handbags made from quality materials made Louis Vuitton bag no 1 now, many women in this world dream to have a Louis Vuitton bag for Louis Vuitton bags designed with a wide range of colors and models on offer, with designers who already have experience in france, french trendsenter is still a model in the world today, born from the State to be the center of Louis Vuitton model makes a lot of looking and want to have it, even many of the women who dreamed of. some of them were even willing to spend lots of money to get a Louis Vuitton bags.
In modern times today, people do not want to make trouble with the search for Louis Vuitton bags to many shops to get it, with such circumstances we take the initiative to open an online store that provides a Louis Vuitton bag for ease of those who want a Louis Vuitton bag, no one is looking for their Louis Vuitton bag because the bag has the quality and features of the design has a unique but still elegant, with Louis Vuitton bags to a party or for everyday use will make the other had it from the others, will look more luxurious and classy.
Since the number of search and wanted to have Louis Vuitton bags and we opened the store will inline that makes it easy to get what a dream for quite a lot of women in the world. Our service comes with inline on our web site: that would facilitate you in getting what's been your dreams, because our online services must also lets you to make transactions or purchases, for only by sitting in front of your computer, you are able to shop and make payment by credit card.
So what are you waiting, immediately visit our web site to make purchases that are LV bags and elegant quality to have. And enjoy all the convenience of our services that we offer you the satisfaction of all. do not forget we also guarantee the products we offer are genuine, careful lest you be deceived by their behavior irresponsible.
Labels: Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton bags, louis vuitton handbags, LV
Using a Louis Vuitton handbags made appearances became increasingly luxurious look, and for those who have made their own satisfaction because it will increase confidence for those who wear it, use a Louis Vuitton bag to the party events will not make you look lower, even going to make you a woman The most stylish and luxurious seen by others.Many women who dream has particularly Louis Vuitton handbags are unique and elegant, so do not be surprised if many of the web that offer procurement services in the Louis Vuitton bag of the famous, but be careful not to either select a web site if you want to do online shopping to get what is Your dream of a Louis Vuitton bags. If you do not want to either select online store, you should do some research, web sites which do offer genuine products and easy to make your payment.
If you want to have it soon, make no mistake select online stores, just in that will serve you and help you get what you want, which is a Louis Vuitton bag is elegant, the wait especially now the message what is your desire. It is to have a Louis Vuitton purse should be quite a lot of money, for some women it does not matter a lot of money to have the goods to be dreams, but it became unbalanced due to get a bag that does have a very good quality.
If you are dreaming of a LV bag is unique and elegant, and want to use it is not miscast, Louis Vuitton bags are all the excess has particularly compared with other brands that exist today, because they consistently Vuittpn Louis bags in unique designs and elegant with all the luxury, Louis Vuitton handbag is designed in such a way but not out of a unique impression, that's what makes it into a bag no 1 in the world today. because it uses ingredients that choice would produce a very good quality.
Labels: Louis Vuitton bags, louis vuitton handbags, LV
Many women who dream has particularly Louis Vuitton handbags are unique and elegant, so do not be surprised if many of the web that offer procurement services in the Louis Vuitton bag of the famous, but be careful not to either select a web site if you want to do online shopping to get what is Your dream of a Louis Vuitton bags. If you do not want to either select online store, you should do some research, web sites which do offer genuine products and easy to make your payment.
If you are dreaming of a Louis Vuitton bag is unique and elegant, and want to use it is not miscast, Louis Vuitton bags are all the excess has particularly compared with other brands that exist today, because they consistently Vuittpn Louis bags in unique designs and elegant with all the luxury, Louis Vuitton handbag is designed in such a way but not out of a unique impression, that's what makes it into a bag no 1 in the world today. because it uses ingredients that choice would produce a very good quality.
LV bags make a more visible appearance of luxury, and for those who have made their own satisfaction because it will increase confidence for those who wear it, use a Louis Vuitton bag to the party events will not make you look lower, even a woman will make you the most style and luxury looks by others.
If you want to have it soon, make no mistake select online stores, just in that will serve you and help you get what you want, which is a Louis Vuitton bag is elegant, the wait especially now the message what is your desire. It is to have a Louis Vuitton purse should be quite a lot of money, for some women it does not matter a lot of money to have the goods to be dreams, but it became unbalanced due to get a bag that does have a very good quality.
Labels: Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton bags, louis vuitton handbags, LV
Louis Vuitton handbags is the famous and a bag no 1 in the world today, beating its competitors or other brands that have there.why louis vuitton bags become the best right now? It's all because of their consistency with a unique design yet elegant and very good, it's all thanks to the quality of the priority by Louis Vuitton bags by using materials and high-quality options, and the result has been a designer who understands the desire of buyers who want a quality bag and elegant.Louis Vuitton handbag is a dream of a woman, not a few women are willing to spend enough money to get the bag of the famous Louis Vuitton this, they even look to many places or shops, because for many women in this world of Louis Vuitton bags to make them increasingly confident, as a symbol of luxury, maybe there are still many women who want to have this louis vuitton bag, but do not worry we'll give it to you the woman who dreamed it, because we attend to the satisfaction, because we are here with online services to meet the demand or LV bag orders, so you do not trouble about where to find Louis Vuitton bags, you are just looking for an existing online store with streets in a virtual world using your home computer, but make no mistake select online store because it will harm you, if your bag The original message was not sure that it makes you all very disappointed, therefore the choose our online service at, we can guarantee that the goods we provide are all original and you will feel satisfied.
For women who want to get a Louis Vuitton handbag, you live the message we have to di, We accept payment by credit card, and we guarantee you will be satisfied with our service, let alone wait for a message right now and you will get with original warranty!
Labels: Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton bags, louis vuitton handbags, LV
Solar eclipse seen in the Jakarta
JAKARTA, - Though clouds hanging since morning, the event remains a solar eclipse can be observed in the area of Jakarta. However, it was not fully observed because of occasional clouds blocking the sun.
From region Palmerah, West Jakarta, managed to eclipse events were observed at 15.30-16.00. When the sun suddenly shone brightly, a man who was waiting immediately went to see the longest solar eclipse event in the 21st century this.
By using a lens filter artificial sunlight Thousand Oaks Optical, Canada, several employees line to observe the event from the 5th floor of Building Kompas Gramedia.
Viewed with filter glasses, sun disc appeared slightly interrupted in the lower right. Fields that should be fully visible round was interrupted by a line. In accordance with previous predictions, from Jakarta and surrounding areas, which appear dark part is only about 11 percent since the ring solar eclipse path is through the South Asia region, such as Sri Lanka and India, and not through the territory of Indonesia.
Solar eclipse event this time was the longest eclipse of this millennium with the ring phase lasted for 11 minutes. Based on the record, during the solar eclipse event second only in 1992, by the time 11 minutes 41 seconds.
Labels: solar eclipse







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