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The intensity of the rainy season has shifted from the cycle 20 years, so has the activity of the farmers, fishermen, community groups and other businesses that depend on the weather conditions.
Shift occurred since 2005 and shifting furthest progress in the year ago in 2008. peak rainfall in the area for 20 years before 2005, always occurs between the months March to May.
However, after that, only the peak rainfall occurs in May for 24 days with the intensity curahnya reaching 188 millimeter.
Even extreme shift occurred in the year 2008, in which peak rainfall occurs in July for 27 days with a rainfall amount of 466 millimeter, so that was great cause flooding everywhere.
Shifting the peak of rainfall is due to the influence of global warming is encouraging the change of climate and weather that is not stabilized.
"Shift cycle that we have rain predicted earlier, following a high level of rainfall during the last four years and is a recent phenomenon,"
The emergence of local rainfall with high intensity is also much influenced by the destruction of forest area and green areas in urban areas in large numbers, factors other than high air pollution.
"The problems that then cause the power to support the environment becomes low, so that vulnerable bring floods, landslides, to a gale,"
That, due to the impact of global warming has been on the schedule of farmers planting, fishing activity, motor-boat cruises, flights and activities, and so forth.
Labels: article, article global warming
Washington - United States (U.S.) and China often involved enmity around economic issues. However, the two big countries that are now reaching agreement to establish economic cooperation a more harmonious.
U.S.-China cooperation and agreed a pledge to each other in order to switch the economy to encourage the recovery after the global economic crisis and achieve sustainable economic growth.
At the end of the conversation economy and the U.S.-China strategy that lasted for 2 days, the two agreed to improve economic and financial cooperation and take steps to deal individo imbalance between the two.
"It is important that we achieve on the day this is agreed on the framework for reform and public policy - both for the U.S. and China --- in order to help establish the basis for the recovery of the global economy more sustainable, more balanced," said Minister of Finance USA, Timothy Geithner as quoted from the AFP, Wednesday (29/7/2009).
U.S. agree to raise deposit interest rates for customers, which of late has been increased to the level of the average consumer to compensate for the effort in the midst of recession as one of the recovery strategy. Geithner said, saving money has become a common trend in the U.S..
The statement was at once warned the U.S. to strengthen China before, that the communist country is that they no longer hang on to U.S. consumers prefer products imported to China to encourage economy.
Meanwhile, China is committed to encouraging consumers berlanja more economy to move from dependence on exports to support growth.
Deputy Prime Minister of China, Wang Qishan, said the two countries agreed to establish cooperation to build a strong financial system.
"To stimulate economic growth is still a top priority," specifically.
U.S. and China mutually hostile previous akan various economic problems. Often criticize U.S. policies concerning China's currency that are flexible so that it does not affect U.S. exports. Protectionist issues also often a problem that the problems the two countries.
In fact China is now listed as one of the most important countries from the U.S.. China foreign exchange reserves that China has now become the largest holder of U.S. government debt.
An Open Source community site dihinggapi by Nazi element of the picture. Named as the perpetrators themselves, and the Nazi General as freedom of expression.
Incidence of this - if you want to say the incident - occurred at the site This site is a place to share the view that desktop and then applied to the Open Source operating systems such as Linux.
Nazi general is one of the user's site. it sends a Gnome Desktop Manager (GDM) Theme with the title 'Nazi'.
If seen, it shows the shipment desktop wallpaper image with Adolf Hitler in a Nazi event. Nazi flag, complete with its logo Swastika, also decorate the display is visible.
Gnome user reaction to the various .after is quite visible on the comments feature, not likely to post 'the general'. However, 'the general' stall with Nazi Theme said that his post was a form of 'freedom of expression'.
One user said that the arguments used that does not match the Open Source community. "Because the goal of free software is usually humanitarian, this is somewhat less precise: it is difficult to accept its contradictions, because of national-socialism is a philosophy of reason to use the freedom of expression to say 'freedom of expression,go to the hell'," a user with Achteutis name.
But on the other hand, a particular user did not want to respond with the Nazi Theme too seriously. "At least this is not more and more naked pictures of women with the logo placed on it. Indeed, you may not agree with this theme, but you also have the option not to view it," said a user named Terminhell.
Use of the logo in the Nazi rise to many controversies. In fact, in certain countries, the use of Nazi logo is prohibited.
Labels: hotnews, opensource, theme nazi
New Delhi - Bill Gates likely have enough time to spend simply facebook after Microsoft no longer control. However, the conglomerates that have been surrendered to the Facebook.
"10,000 people want to be friends," Gates tukas so according to him, take Facebook with the same hard work.
In addition he is also not comfortable with the many friend requests that flow in its accounts. The hold he kepikiran know whether he was with those people or not.
"It's (Facebook) just bring a lot of problems so that I surrender (mengurusinya)," Gates tukas who are in India, such as AFP and dilansir cited, Sunday (26/7/2009).
Microsoft founder will be in India in order to receive the award 'Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development'. The award is given by the government on the India Gates.
london-daughter Mick Jagger(Georgia Jagger) showed his body in a sexy pair of jeans brand ad Hudson. Georgie Jagger a new age of 17 years that appear flushed.
He shows the body part that is not on top of a closed shirt. He let the hair and cover the breast with his hands.
"A legacy for a father as Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall as the mother. But more than anything, enthusiasm captivate me," said David Lipman spokesman quoted Hudson's Thesun, Sunday (26/7/2009).
Georgia is the youngest child of Mick is the third wedding. personnel Rolling Stone is a relationship with four women and seven men was a child and four grandchildren.
Cyber criminals Destroy South Korea and the United States
3 comments Posted by alom_doank at 8:36 AMWas Indian citizen was wait-Total eclipse Sun
Although many researchers around the world witnessed the eclipse hope the only contemporary life, yet millions of people of India because of fears celestial events always happen the disaster, as we quoted from google news, Wednesday (22/7/2009).
For most people of all caste in India, Astrology is not a part of the integral in their lives. Couples should consult with experts Astrology to determine their wedding day. One of the seer in India even told pregnant women not to open the window and remain in the house.
Today, Hindu temple is closed, and will not be reopened until after the sun eclipse. Instead, Planetarium and observatory will be opened a full day.
Labels: globalwarming, solar eclipse
This pose is the latest ad for Calvin Klein lingerie output. Still in black and white, Eva put on a plain black bra section.
We quote from The Sun, Wednesday (22/7/2009), Eva put on a black lace panty sexy bra for his pair. Stocking of black life that it connect with the panty will give the impression that the wild. Moreover, when combined with high black heels nan section.
In that pose, Eva-off while standing waist. Pose to its order with the hot hair look wet his untidy. This is the umpteenth time Eva posing 'hot' for Calvin Klein. Even years ago, Calvin Klein ad starring in a bloody latin women that had the stop because they are too sexy.
Jakarta - Prime Minister (PM) Italy, Silvio Berlucsoni the affair affected the case. Allegations that the owner of AC Milan is fond of women play the more sound recordings after the alleged improper vote Berlusconi now spread via the internet.
The girl is one of dozens of women who previously were invited in a Halloween party. Berlusconi itself disprove that he is cool with the girls hapy it.
However, recording the La Repubblica published the media may make the public increasingly doubts the honesty PM. The recording was broadcast how Berlusconi unleash death suit, for example, in the girls with a 'sweet'.
"I will briefly bath .. Will you be waiting in bed is great if you already finished?" Therefore one of the recordings that sounded like a voice trying to persuade Patrizia Berlusconi.
Berlusconi spokesman own rate was recorded as an effort to dampen the media to take back a case that did not have
Selingkuh, Putri Kerajaan Arab Saudi Minta Suaka ke Inggris
London - Seorang putri yang menjadi anggota keluarga Kerajaan Arab Saudi mendapati dirinya telah mengandung hasil hubungan gelapnya dengan seorang pria berkebangsaan Inggris. Sang putri pun meminta suaka (perlindungan) kepada negara sang pria.
Putri tersebut beralasan apabila harus kembali ke tanah kelahirannya, maka dirinya dapat dikenakan hukuman mati. Pemerintah Inggris kemudian memberikan status pengungsi, kepada wanita yang telah menikah dengan anggota keluarga Arab Saudi tersebut. Demikian keterangan yang terdapat dalam situs, Selasa (21/7/2009).
Wanita yang dirahasiakan namanya tersebut merupakan salah satu dari beberapa warga Arab Saudi yang telah mengajukan permintaan suaka kepada pemerintah Inggris. Meski demikian permintaan-permintaan tersebut tidak diungkapkan secara terbuka oleh kedua pemerintah.
Sang putri dikabarkan bertemu dengan pria Inggris pujaan hatinya, yang bukan seorang muslim, saat melakukan perjalanan ke London. Usai bertemu dan terlibat affair dengan pria tersebut ia pun hamil dan kemudian kembali lagi ke Inggris untuk melahirkan bayinya secara rahasia.
Sejak keluarganya tidak lagi menghubunginya, menantu keluarga kerajaan Arab Saudi ini meyakini pengadilan apabila ia harus kembali ke negara asalnya maka dirinya dan anaknya akan mendapat hukuman rajam sesuai hukum syariah.
Bom di hotel JW Marriott dan Ritz Carlton adalah ulah manusia yang tidak mau bertanggungjawab dan hanya memikirkan dirinya sendiri,bom JW Marriott ini melukai sedikitnya 50 orang di rawat di Rumah Sakit dan di antaranya 10 orang meninggal dunia,dari korban yang teluka maupun yang meninggal mayoritas adalah warga negara asing,dan hal ini cukup membuat Presiden SBY mengutuk pengeboman yang terjadi di JW Marriott dan Ritz Carlton ini.
Labels: jw marriott, teroris
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Labels: Electronics, iphon, iphones, ipod, playstation, psp, xbox
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how to close the shortfall microsoft
Jakarta - Microsoft is now the middle of doing the investigation, issues related to vulnerability in Microsoft ActiveX Video Control. Section of the 'virtual dedemit' have been successfully penetrate security cleft, through the system.
Own ActiveX controls that Microsoft is a system allows the distribution of applications working in the Internet through a web browser. For example applications for gathering data, view files and mendisplay animation or video-based internet.
Based on official information from Microsoft, on Tuesday (07/07/209) on their latest security update, the Microsoft Security Advisory (972890), the following are 3 steps to 'menambal' hole is:
1. Visit the Microsoft
2. Download the file from Microsoft below.
3. After the download is complete run the file immediately. MSI to disable the ActiveX control. To restore the initial settingan, download and execute files. MSI from the 'Workaround Disable' it.
Below is a list of the operating system that Microsoft is extremely vulnerable:
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2:
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (32-bit x86)
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (32-bit x86)
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition (32-bit x86)
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Web Edition
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter x64 Edition
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard x64 Edition
* Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition for Itanium-Based Systems
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition for Itanium-based Systems
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2:
* Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
* Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3:
* Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
* Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Labels: technology
What's Next????
Slides for speech to World Bank conference (Lessons from East Asia and the Global Financial Crisis), Tuesday in Seoul (1pm local time), are attached. This post summarizes my main points.There are two views of the global financial crisis and – more importantly – of what comes next. The first is shared by almost all officials and underpins government thinking in the United States, the remainder of the G7, Western Europe, and beyond. The second is quite unofficial – no government official has yet been found anywhere near this position. Yet versions of this unofficial view have a great deal of support and may even be gaining traction over time as events unfold.
The official view is that a rare and unfortunate accident occurred in the fall of 2008. The heart of the world’s financial system, in and around the United States, suddenly became unstable. Presumably this instability had a cause – and most official statements begin with “the crisis had many causes” – but this is less important than the need for immediate and overwhelming macroeconomic policy action.
The official strategy, for example as stated clearly by Larry Summers is to support the banking system with all the financial means at the disposal of the official sector. This includes large amounts of cash, courtesy of Federal Reserve credits; repeated attempts to remove “bad assets” in some form or other, and – the apparent masterstroke – regulatory forbearance, as signaled through the recent stress tests.
But most important, it includes a massive fiscal stimulus implying, when all is said and done, that debt/GDP in the United States will roughly double (from 41% of GDP initially, up towards 80% of GDP).
Not surprisingly, funneling unlimited and essentially unconditional resources into the financial sector has buoyed confidence in both that sector and at least temporarily helped shore up confidence in financial markets more broadly.
And now, in striking contrast to the dramatic action they call for on the macroeconomic/bailout front, the official consensus claims relatively small adjustments to our regulatory system will be enough to close the case – and presumably prevent further recurrence of problems on this scale. If the exact causes and presumed redress are lost in a mind-numbingly long list of adjustments, so much the better.
This is, after all, a crisis of experts – they deregulated, they ran risk management at major financial firms, they opined at board meetings – and now they have fixed it.
The second view, of course, is rather more skeptical regarding whether we are really out of crisis in any meaningful sense. In this view, the underlying cause of the crisis is much simpler – the economic supersizing of finance in the United States and elsewhere, as manifest particularly in the rise of big banks to positions of extraordinary political and cultural power.
If the size, nature, and clout of finance is the problem, then the official view is nothing close to a solution. At best, pumping resources into the financial sector delays the day of reckoning and likely increases its costs. More likely, the Mother of All Bailouts is storing up serious problems for the near-term future.
We’ll double our national debt (as a percent of GDP), and for what? To further entrench a rent-seeking set of firms that the government determined are “too big to fail,” but will not now take any steps to break up or otherwise limit their size.
We need to disengage from a financial sector that has become unsustainably large the cross-country data should be handled with care).
We can do this in various ways; there is no need to be dogmatic about any potential approach – if it works politically, do it. But the various current proposals for dealing with this issue – both from the administration and the leading committees of Congress – would make essentially zero progress.
As moving in this direction does not seem imminent, the probable consequences or – if you prefer – collateral damage looks horrible. You can see it as higher taxes in the future, lower growth, a bigger drag on our innovative capacity, fewer startups, and less genuinely productive entrepreneurship. Plenty of people will be hurt, and they are starting to figure this out – and to think harder about what needs to be done and by whom.
“Small enough to fail” may well prevail eventually – at least sensible ideas have won through in past US episodes – but it will take a while. The official consensus always seems immutable, right up until the moment it changes completely and forever.
Labels: global financial crisis
Labels: michael jackson
green tachnology
Environmental technology or green technology has started in the year 2008. Computer devices that have a lot of support green technology. Global warming is the reason for the occurrence of green technology, developed countries, has created technology that does not damage the natural energy in the process of creating, by utilizing different types of natural resource that never runs out. Green technology requires that each technology / devices are new technology with a more human, it can be recycled, are not toxic, it can save more power, then it is now more diverse campaign in a green technology.
Green technology in the IT world is also called the Green Computing, IT people as so many things that need to be a matter for the green computing, as this concern with the electronic equipment in the computer device and other devices, this problem comes as computer users in the world This increase is very rapid, the resulting waste may be dangerous or can not be recycled, and the more primary, more sophisticated level of computing would be straight with the proportionate use of electricity.
Server server heavyweight, multi-core technology, the motherboard capasitor, and other computer devices created with high technology that is capable of processing billions process in a matter of nano seconds, of course, will spend a source of energy that is big enough.
He was born so that some of the technology is expected to reduce the use of energy resources such as this with a few important things to apply in each element are:
Some governments in developed countries have been supporting green computing, and they suggest using the industry standards and regulations to support their technology Green Computing.
Energy Star Logo
Energy Star program (which you usually see on the monitor-monitor CRT) has been in publication since oktober2006 with efforts to improve energy efficiency and use of radiation on the PC CRT monitor products. the next European Union also makes standardization (RoHS), which is a continuation of the reduction of Hazardous Substances can be found on our product design product from the mouse and laser mouse especially its faming dvd-room and the other, and they also make Standards (WEEE) or waste electrical and electronic equipment is to maintain and consolidate all electronic devices made of heavy metal and a flammable material such as Polybrominated biphenylin the components on the PCB found is not allowed anymore since 1 July 2006.
Programming Algorithm
Programming algorithm is also one of discussion about green computing, why? shorten the mean shorten programming algorithm processor to use its resources, so that the processor will cut the complete instructions, this will automatically cause the energy used the less.
Labels: green tech
Whether the plant is more like the sky was blurred by air pollution to clean envisioned by environmentalists, regulators and the community? That is the implication that a new study of exactly how many plants, ranging from broadleaf trees to grass, has been benefiting from the pollution carried by particles of soot-to-molecular sulfur dioxide that fossil fuel burning leaves in the air.
The real benefit is that because plants perform photosynthesis best-chemical process that uses chlorophyll in the leaves to turn sunlight and carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen and plant food-down called diffuse radiation, or uncertain heaven, which scatters the sunlight, so that more evenly distribute.
With the rising cost of energy and the threat of global warming, many companies already recognize the benefits of using green technology to reduce their carbon footprint and to minimize waste. The Green Technology World providing free resources regarding all business people interested in reducing their impact on the environment.
Here you will find a green technology industry news, blogs, feature articles, video, and more. Using the tools to educate themselves and stay current with what's happening in green technology.
Labels: green tech
Greenpeace Serang HP, Dell dan Lenovo
Greenpeace expressed disappointment on a number of PC vendors who are considered the world does not reflect the seriousness in reducing the use of hazardous substances in the device that they created.
There are 3 companies with the most non-profit organization that concern for environmental pollution is, namely Hewlett-Packard (HP), Dell and Lenovo.
"There is no reason for them to do the delay, and also there is no reason for companies to make the PC free of BFRs and PVS," in trenchant Greenpeace site.
Surefire, three PC vendor must be willing down the ranking list in Greenpeace's ranking titled 'Greenpeace's Guide to Greener Electronics'. The decline in the value that Dell suffered most dramatically.
While the top ranking in the list successfully mastered the mobile phone manufacturers. Ie, Nokia, and in the first position followed by Samsung and Sony Ericsson in the second and third.
Labels: greenpeace
Transformer in the mission to save the world
Transformer 2: Revenge of The Fallen, including one of the most awaited film-waiting in this year. Sekuel opened with the story of Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) who want to return to
student life.
However, in between the life, Sam knows success origins Transformer allsparks through the remaining bits. Knowing this news, the Deception already arrived on the planet Cybertron, decided to return to earth. They want to kidnap Sam to see the strength of Autobot.
Decepticon want to expedite action to revenge that have been off the Autobot Megatron. As information, at the end of the 1 told Transformer Megatron, Decepticon commander died in a death duel against Optimus Prime, the Autobot leader. With the help of the U.S. military, Autobot Megatron drown in the Atlantic Ocean.
Deception also propose a return from the Atlantic Ocean Megatron. Will Megatron will be back alive and successful revenge?
Presenting this film special effect typical sophisticated Hollywood action movie. Consequently, you will not blink, even though only one second.
Transformer 2 is also the scene much more interesting film than the first edition. 1 transformer reap many critics because of the action choreography is damned fast. Accept criticism as it were, the fight scenes in the two Transformer sekuel seen eyes more comfortable.
Transformer 2 also show more robots. Autobot forces have twin robots, Mudflap and Skid and female robot named Arcee.
While in the position of the opponent, there is a new strength of seven robots that combine Deception. Strength is known as Contruction or Devastor.
On the day playing it first in the United States, 2 Transformer get successful U.S. $ 16 million. Not strange, considering this film a long two big names, ie, as the producer Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay as director. Launch of film Transformer 2 also coincided with the 25 year story of the emergence of Transformer.
Movies that cost Rp 3 trillion this, begin circulating in Indonesia, 24 June ago.
Duration: 2 hrs 20 mins
Genre: Action adventure
Released: 24 June 2009
Director: Michael Bay
Players: Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox







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