
COUNTRIES we are a tropical country, where the sun shines all the time is longer than a country with sub-tropical. Only the gray clouds and the sun may at certain. This solar energy can be used as power. How does it? What you need to be able to utilize the sun's energy into electricity? How much energy "electricity" that in output?

The sun is the source of all energy sources in the universe. Oil that we "in" from the bottom surface of the earth is also the "energy" of the sun on the days of old "absorbed" by the organic material that is now hidden in the belly of the earth.

Solar Cell + + Description for utilize the sun's energy directly, you need a "solar cell" is also called cells or PV (photovoltaic) form of chip-chip Silicon (which can
acquired in of "filth" semiconductor industry). Solar Cell is exposed to the sun if there will be a "reaction" in the chip and the "electricity".

As an illustration, cell measuring one meter square can generate electric power of 130 Watt at the time of "hot", or "only" 655 watt-hours per day, (if you installed home PLN electricity network, at least, has a 1300 watt power). You need to know that the electricity in our homes is for 24 hours, while the sun shines only on average 6.5 hours a day (including if there are cloudy and rainy). But still needed additional tool "electricity storage" form of battery or Accu.

The sun can really take advantage of our free, but the technology that makes it energy "electricity" surely expensive. And do not forget that the factory produces solar cell, or battery, is a factory that requires "electricity" that big, and also easte certainly contaminate the environment.

Energy can not be created and can not be removed, which can be done by humans is the "change" energy, and move from one place to another, and aha .. it requires a large cost.

Efforts to make our best in preserving the earth's environment and economize is not "a waste" in the use of ENERGY. Maybe you need to do "research" about how big a result of these "environmentally friendly", including costs.


Entertainment, tourism, and shopping in indonesia eg very many places tourism is divided into many fad; heritage tourism, art, nature, cuisine, industry, ethnic, arts, shopping, and as his.
tourism which have, for example BALI, CANDI BOROBUDUR, PUNCAK, PANTAI JAYA Ancol Dreamland, and many more places are very beautiful and very natural.

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save the earth

protect our forests

Earth and atmosfernya (troposfer and stratosfer) is a stone that brings setitik man beset Jagad highway. Atmosfernya Earth and interact with humans and other beings. Earth and the stability of the interaction atmosfernya (troposfer 0-10 km above the earth) are kept by the forest. Forest destruction disrupt stable atmosphere (stratosfer 10-50 km) where the concentration of ozone good. In short: Forests protect the earth

As sentient creatures that inhabit the gods this earth, we must preserve it, along with global warming is happening now, we should maintain and preserve the earth do not even in the face of the earth. we can do some things in maintaining or preserving the earth for example with the things of which the easy, remove the waste in place, reforestation, not to forest exploitation, and so forth.

Forest exploitation in the economy for the reasons ..
Now we feel a consequence, global warming ..
Let's plant trees, save the earth ..

Rehabilitation of forest are now must be in a with the heating global.reboisasi can be done with the awareness of people who live in the land .in the countryforward now this land is a little green, so they work together with the handling of global warming developing countries such as Indonesia. Indonesia is a developing country and has a forest area which is quite extensive and can be said that Indonesia is the world's lungs now .many developed countries establish cooperation with indonesia for handling global warming by avoiding .can not in developed countries that they need developing countries such as indonesia who can still keep a forest . most developed countries that contribute most to the pollution of industrials.but they would not reduce the number of factories with their economic reasons. indonesia
the country residents should be proud with our forest and the forest is damaged do not even have to try to keep us and our sustainables . with replanting {reboisai ).
Let's Keep AND FOREST order the world.

alternative energy to reduce global warming

the use of alternative energy to reduce global warming is important, with whom, bio-gas, waste permentasi, using sea water as a power plant, and as indonesia .in indonesia have found in many energy alternatip by citizens or by
government. between its now permentasi use waste to produce gas, using cow dung to produce gas and other discovery-invention as a substitute for oil or gas produced from the mine.
Many BLUE ENERGY terms, there is an effort to utilize energy from the difference between sea water with salt water (osmotik). However, the term blue energy to the effort to use more environment-friendly energy, not from fossil resources (oil). As with the use of wind, sun, and so forth.

Sometimes the term also appears GREEN ENERGY, which also means that does not "pollute" the environment.
The idea of the basic ideas or BLUE ENERGY Oil Indonesia Bersatu, is "separate" water into hydrogen and Oxygen components, and then "merge" with the Carbon hydrogen, resulting sepertihalnya fuel hydrocarbons from petroleum. The result is a synthetic oil (made).

You do not need to worry, this process can theoretically occur, separating water into pembentuknya components H and O, can be done with various methods, eg with elektrolis, or also the use of catalysts (substances that can "accelerate" the process of reaction).

But you need to understand, that the process still requires terebut "energy", and it also means that the cost of expensive.

In other words, do not have that confused with the version of BLUE ENERGY Indonesia, but whether this process can produce fuel that is much cheaper and valuable? This is what we're waiting-waiting.

not "one more" yes, BLUE ENERGY not "fuel" from the water (sea water) is certainly very cheap price. There is still a process that mendahuluinya finally make the "sea water" has changed and the actual energy .**


selamatkan bumi ini...........!!!

Peringatan Hari Bumi Se-Dunia

22 April adalah Hari dengan momentum besar yang diperingati insan manusia di dunia yang peduli akan buminya yaitu HARI BUMI. khususnya bagi orang-orang yang tergabung dalam klub/aktivis Pencinta Lingkungan, Pencinta Alam dsb. Hari Bumi diperingati sebagai tanda kasih sayang manusia terhadap bumi yang semakin terancam rusak karena polusi udara, air , tanah, suara dsb. Itu semua akibat ulah kita sendir sebagai manusia yang semena-mena dalam mengeksploitasi sumberdaya alam. Maka akhirnya timbulah global warming yang sangat mengancam kelestarian bumi kita. Efeknya bisa dirasakan sekarang ini, yaitu suhu/ cuaca yang tak menentu, banyaknya bencana alam, banayaknya pulau-pulau kecil yang terendam dan masih banyak lagi. Dengan kenyatan seperti itu kita semua harus turut mempunyai kontribusi untuk memperkecil / mengurangi efek pemanasan global yang saat ini tengah melanda bumi ini. Sayangilah dan jaga kelestarian bumi kita demi anak cucu kita kelak.Diantaranya dengan melakukan hal-hal kecilnamundapatmembuktikanbahwakitapeduliterhadapbimiini,diantaranya;membuang sammpah pada tempatnya,hemat energi,penanaman pohon, dsb.

Mari kita satukan tekad menjaga bumi ini dari kerusakan dengan semangat, cinta,dan ketulusan hati.



In accordance with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), is mentioned at least four targets at the achievements to the Party-15 (COP-15) in Copenhagen, Denmark. There must be progress in the four field trips in order to form the new agreement as the Kyoto Protocol - which will be completed on the introduction of 2012 - lasted mulus.

Currently there are three countries that are seen as a country with a growing economy and should not enter the developing countries, namely China, India, and Brazil. The three countries that also bear the required burden of responsibility is the same as the developed countries in the affairs of carbon emission reduction (greenhouse gases).

When the world is being berkutat to set the size of the steps that the steep road, and what our role? Disseminating information on climate change and its relevance to daily life is expected to be one of the things you can do and can produce change. This change in attitude culminate in the countries that negotiate in Copenhagen, Denmark in December next.

In this context it is Al Gore doing training. Indonesia sending 54 people to attend the summit meeting. Dissemination of information about climate change has been touched for about 5 million people in the world. In Indonesia the number of the more than 9000 people from various circles, among others, scientists, fishermen, students, company executives from various bankers to companies, as well as the artists.

Now the number of volunteer presenter with 55 people, is expected to be more knowledgeable more layers of the Indonesian community information. They are expected to hear a change agent. Destination attitude change is the size of the countries in Copenhagen when there is pressure coming from the community. "We must seize the opportunity to solve the problem of climate change. I believe that if there is widespread awareness, we can encourage the government to solve this problem, "said Al Gore.

Razak Manan, one of the trainees are active in Indonesia Pelayaran Company asserts keteguhannya distribution of climate change issues. "This is very important especially known among the shipping companies. I hope there are changes that can be made by those who can make the situation better. "

While some of the trainees as Widodo Ramono of Indonesian Rhino Conservation Foundation have made a presentation on the work environment and a number of government officials. Similarly Dicky Edwin Hindarto of the Board of the National Climate Change in the presentation to the academician in the 10 November Institute of Technology, Surabaya, as he wrote in the electronic mail.

Chairman of the Board of TCP Indonesia - which stood mid-July, which is also India's first TCP presenter, Amanda Katili, said all sections of the community, from the usual non-community professionals, the professionals, businessmen, students, college students, scientists, and bureaucrats, and various community a target range of other TCP-Indonesia. They can contact the members of Indonesia such as TCP-listed on this page.

There is a warning from scientists that the earth's surface temperature may not rise higher than 2 degrees Celsius. If it happens then more than 300 million people have moved from where it is because thousands of islands will be submerged, the more severe drought, and disease will be more widespread. Climate predicted that the more difficult will lead to a lot of people lost their livelihoods as fishermen and farmers on the front line.

Efforts to prevent the increase of temperature causes changes in the earth's climate is obtained official commitment from many countries with the birth of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The group, developed countries that joined the group in Annex I have a commitment to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases - the cause earth global temperature increase - an average of 5 percent of the base that is set in 1990. Conditions that must be achieved in 2012. However, attempts to run very slowly.

G-8 meeting that ends mid-month this does not bring new changes when developed countries are required to assist countries poor and appeared to hold funds grow.

"Developed countries do not want to pay. We disappointed with this development, "said Minister of State Environment, Rachmat Witoelar when that. "Possibility, they stand up to the Copenhagen meeting in 2009 the end of this year," he added. He did not cover his face feeling disappointed behavior rich countries. The UK Government is ready to remove the funds, own only in that position.

With a view that others, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore to the non-government organizations support The Climate Project, is now humming disseminate information about the threat of climate change to many. He refused be pessimistic (The Age, 13 / 7).

"Now the U.S. and Australia has shown leadership, which is needed for this. their inclusion in the effort (the agreement) Copenhagen, will be able to make a very big difference, "he said in Melbourne, Australia is in between organizing meeting for the Asia Pacific Peak climate change. Al Gore attended in Melbourne to extend its scope to train with around 3000 people from different countries about the way climate change campaigning, 11-13 July in Melbourne, Australia.

EARTH DAY for GLOBALWARMING | Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008