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About earthquakes
The earthquake energy release is an event that caused the dislocation (shift) on the interior of the earth suddenly.
Causes Earthquake occurrence
1. Due to the movement of tectonic processes of skin / plate earth
2. Fault activity on the surface of the earth
3. Geomorphology movement locally, for example, occurs debris land
4. Volcanic activity
5. Nuclear explosion
Mechanism of destruction due to earthquake vibrations dirambatkan energy to all parts of the earth. On the surface of the earth, the vibrations can cause damage and collapse of buildings that can cause loss of life.
Earthquake vibrations can also trigger landslides, rock debris, and damage to other land damage settlements. The earthquake also caused a fire disaster follow-up, industrial and transportation accidents and flooding caused by the collapse of a dam or other retaining dike
Labels: earthquakes
When it, the average temperature in summer is very low and volatile.
Kerstin Huber, a scientist at the Institute for Limnology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, declared in an academic report at the end that, according to the analysis of the remaining algae and pollen from sediment in Lake Lange, Carinthia, Austria, there was no summer in the area at the time, and series of fluctuations of almost 8 degrees Celsius.
According to the report, after the end of the ice age about 20,000 years ago, temperatures on Earth becomes increasingly warmer. Around 17,000 years ago, Earth experienced a drastic cold wave that lasted for almost 2,500 years. Until 14,500 years ago, temperatures rose again.
At that time, in the Lake Lange, the average temperature of water in summer has a quick change. During warm temperatures, the temperature reached 18 degrees Celsius, while in the cold, the temperature only reached 10 degrees celsius. Atmospheric temperature in the region also showed fluctuations conditions the same.
As climate change, conditions that would directly affect the various types of plants that grow, such as bushes. While grass and algae can survive at low temperatures, while trees and other plants just right for warmer weather.
It's very similar to tree-ring, the sediment is mixed with algae and pollen of terrestrial plants has been accumulated from day to day at the bottom of the lake, which also stores information about the climate.
Therefore, by analyzing sediment algae and pollen from various times in the bottom of the lake, will be understood that current climate conditions by identifying the types of plants there.
Some scientists Austria sediment core collected from depths of 3.4 to 4.4 meters at the bottom of Lake Lange, in line with the age of 19,000 to 13,000 years ago. By analyzing the types of algae and pollen in the sediment core, they concluded that the planet's temperature was low and volatile.
In the report, Hubert first place in the competition "scientists writing press releases 2009", organized by the association "dialogue-genetic engineering" through cooperation with the Austrian Press Agency (APA).
Labels: global warming
NEW YORK, - Chairman of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Wednesday (23 / 9) said that the global economy seems to be recovering from recession, but the crisis is not over. "Financial condition improved and the engine of growth seems to start again," Strauss-Kahn said in a speech at an international leadership conference in New York, according to the preparation.
"Not long ago, the global economy stands on the brink," he said as he warned "this crisis does not mean an end".
IMF Managing Director noted 186 state agencies have devoted a lot of resources to combat the financial crisis and the global economy the worst since the Great Depression.
Given the "panic" that followed the collapse of Wall Street investment bank Lehman Brothers in September 2008, Strauss-Kahn said that when "economic activity began to fall in a spiral."
Another Great Depression fears "are unfounded," he told the Global Creative Leadership Summit, meeting of heads of state, business and international leaders and Nobel Prize winner. "But these days the world looks different. The crisis is not over, but I hope the worst is now behind us. We seem to have turned a disaster," he said.
Chairman of the IMF stressed that the agency was projecting that the global recovery "first part" of the year 2010. "When the crisis took place, I think we've proven our assessments with our realistic estimate, both for growth and for credit losses," he said.
The IMF is scheduled to publish economic forecasts that the world updated on October 1. "As we see the global financial crisis at the moment, the worst since the Great Depression, the risk is very high," he said.
"The global economy could be facing ruin. But we stepped back from the brink, and the IMF certainly played its role," she said.
At the Summit Group of 20 (G20) in the United States, Strauss-Kahn also underlined the role of the IMF "as a policy adviser, particularly emphasizing the need for common, coordinated action."
"The IMF is one of the first to get the policy response is now a part of conventional wisdom, especially the fiscal stimulus and the need to restructure the banking system," he said.
Strauss-Kahn highlighted the institution's promotion of economic stability and world peace. "The stakes are very high in the low-income countries, where populations are very vulnerable," he said.
He noted that the IMF was created in the aftermath of World War II to fight the economic roots of war. "In many areas of the world, what is at stake is not only higher unemployment or lower purchasing power, but life and death itself," said the former French Socialist finance minister.
"Economic marginalization and poverty could lead to social unrest, political instability, or a breakdown of democracy. We could see the war. This is what we must avoid," he insisted, urging for "sustained assistance" to countries in need.
"When the nations of the world come together to address common challenges in a spirit of solidarity, we can achieve peace and prosperity cycle, and avoid the vicious circle of conflict and stagnation. At first glance, this may seem incidental to the role of the IMF. But no. This supports our mandate, "he said.
Strauss-Kahn's speech came on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly and before the two-day meeting of G20 leaders of developed countries and developing that opened Thursday in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama, leader of the G20 are expected to discuss their efforts to an unprecedented effort to stem the economic, financial system reform, and climate change.
Labels: Global Economic
WASHINGTON, - Three separate missions both researching the Moon to find convincing evidence that there is water there. Water was available at the Moon's poles and perhaps formed by the solar wind.
Three reports will be published in the journal Science said Friday that water moves actively, sometimes formed and disappeared again as dngan mixing with the dust on the surface of the Moon.
One report is taken from the mission-Chandrayaan-1 India's first mission to the Moon. The data studied Carle Pieters of Brown University in Rhode Island showed the presence of water spectrographic evidence. Water is increasingly found in areas closer to the poles of the Moon.
"When we say 'there is water on the Moon', we tidakmerujuk the lake, ocean or pool. Water on the Moon which we mean the water molecules and hydroxyl (hydrogen and oxygen) that interact with the molecules of rock and dust on the top layer of the Moon's surface, "Pieters said.
While Jessica Sunshine of the University of Maryland using infrared mapping of the Deep Impact spacecraft to prove the existence of water on the Moon. Another researcher, Roger Clark of the U.S. Geological Survey using the spectrometer - which describes the wave of light to analyze the elements and compounds the body - from the Cassini spacecraft found water.
Reports about the existence of water on this moon appears just as interested researchers to water on the Moon rising. U.S. Space Agency has long been looking for water on the Moon to support the base to be established there.
Next month the spacecraft Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, or LCROSS NASA will look for water with a vehicle crashed into the Moon's surface.
Labels: sains, technology
JAKARTA-Setelah di Bali, konvensi badan PBB tentang perubahan iklim (UNFCCC atau UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) akan kembali digelar di Copenhagen, Denmark, Minggu (13/12/09).
Konferensi yang diselenggarakan pertama kali pada tahun 1992 itu bertujuan mendesak semua negara yang berkepentingan untuk menstabilkan konsentrasi gas rumah kaca di atmosfer pada tingkat yang dianggap tidak membahayakan iklim bumi. Tahun ini, pertemuan itu akan menjadikan usulan-usulan untuk menggunakan pembayaran karbon untuk melindungi hutan di dunia.
Konferensi bertajuk "Forest Day 3" didedikasikan untuk membahas peran hutan dalam perubahan iklim, mitigasi serta perubahan adaptasi, dan akan difokuskan pada "Hutan Keanekaragaman Hayati dan Perubahan Iklim."
Para negosiator juga akan membahas kerangka kerja global REDD (pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca dari defortasi dan degradasi hutan). Dengan begitu negara-negara yang mengurangi tingkat deforestasi mereka akan memperoleh kredit untuk emisi gas yang berkurang. Kredit-kredit itu kemudian akan dijual pada pasar karbon internasional atau akan dialirkan ke suatu dana internasional.
Dalam sesi tanya jawab saat media briefing di Hotel Intercontinental, Selasa (25/8) pagi, Dr Agus Purnomo, mewakili pemerintah sebagai Executive Secretary National Council on Climate Change, menjelaskan, masyarakat hutan adat di Indonesia tidak memiliki perbedaan persepsi dengan negara-negara maju dan berkembang yang menghasilkan gas emisi terbanyak di dunia seperti China.
"Masyarakat dan desa itu adalah porsi yang besar, jadi dari pemerintah mereka yang memiliki tanggung jawab besar seperti masyarakat hutan adat akan diberikan insentif sekitar 70 persen," kata Dr Nur Masripatin, pemimpin tim REDD dari Departemen Kehutanan.
Labels: UNFCCC di Denmark
NORDAUSTLANDET, -Glance glacier like other glaciers in the frozen Arctic. But in a closer observation, a painful face painted on the wall melting ice, which was the crying and the tears flowing river.
Image of 'Mother Earth' that was sadly seen by local residents during the process of melting, with melting ice and snow falling into the sea below.
Figure draw on Austfonna ice Nordaustlandet located at Svalbard Islands, Norway would almost certainly be used for environmental activists to protest climate change. Sea-level rise caused by melting ice is one of the main worries of the impact of global warming. Experts have warned that countries that are in the lowlands will be below the water surface.
Figure Mother Earth is crying was taken by a Navy photographer and lecturer Michael Nolan environment in an annual voyage to observe the glaciers and wild life around him.
Jon Ove Hagen, a glacier expert who is also a member of the World Glacier Monitoring Bureau (World Glacier Monitoring Service / WGMS) and Geosains professor at the University of Oslo, Norway, has confirmed that the layer of ice that gives the image of Mother Earth is 'crying' is continually shrinking as much as 160 feet every year for decades. Hagen has studied Austfonna ice since 1988.
Austfonna is the largest ice shelf area in Norway, precisely on the island of Svalbard Nordaustlandet. According to Hagen (59), has a broad Austfonna about 3000 square miles and is by far the largest ice sheet on Svalbard, and one of the largest in the Arctic.
He explains, glacier shrinkage on the surface in 12 years Austfonna averaged 160 feet per year. Geometry of the ice region, he said, is changing. The front continued to retreat, the bottom becomes thinner, with a depletion rate of three feet per year, while the interior thickened about 1.6 feet per year. Layer, said Hagen, decreased about 1.6 cubic miles of ice every year.
Austfonna is the area's second largest ice sheet in Europe after Iceland and Vatnajvkull in tersebesar classified seventh in the world.
Labels: EARTH, observation
NEW YORK, - UN summit ended a day of climate change and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged world leaders to act swiftly to ensure success in the upcoming UN conference on climate in Copenhagen, December.
"I was heartened to hear that more and more leaders are ready to act outside the national perspective to join the global leadership," said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told world leaders at the close of the hearing.
"You have been taking action to stay involved until an agreement was signed in Copenhagen. And you have agreed to give guidance to the negotiators to work towards an ambitious agreement, effective, and fair in Copenhagen," Ban said.
Nearly 100 heads of state and government participating in the high-level meetings, the largest gathering of world leaders to discuss climate change.
By discussing these issues, the Secretary General hopes to move the political will and momentum necessary to achieve an ambitious agreement in Copenhagen conference.
Climate change is a matter of economics and geopolitics of the 21st century. But Ban, who visited the Arctic region earlier this month and witnessed the impact of climate change quickly, deliver regrets about the negotiations and urged leaders to look far to meet the needs of their people.
UN Secretary General argue that tackling global warming was done with a very high ransom. "They're wrong. The truth is the opposite. We will not be able to pay if we do not act now," Ban said.
Success in Copenhagen, Danish, would require all countries to work in tandem to limit the global temperature rise, and encourage the world's ability to handle changes that occur through climate change.
Labels: Global Temperature Increase
The phenomenon of El Nino or menghangatnya Sea Surface Temperature in the Pacific Ocean from late May menggejala and tends to strengthen this month. However, seeing patterns and the location of "hot tub"-area of sea surface warming trend is a new version of the so-called El Nino El Nino Modoki.
This was revealed from the weather experts Inventory Technology Agency of Natural Resources Assessment and Application of Technology (TISDA-BPPT), Fadli Shamsuddin, Friday (21 / 8), via SMS. "There is a tendency towards anomalous El Nino Modoki. To ensure that, should see the last condition, "he said.
El Nino is usually marked the Sea Surface Temperature anomalies in the equatorial region in the Pacific Ocean is called the hot pool. This resulted in high moisture supply in the area of Peru, which causes a lot of rain in the area, contrary drought in parts of Asia, especially Indonesia.
In contrast to El Nino, the emergence of Modoki, Japanese language, which means "similar but different", shown by the existence of "hot tub" which concentrated only in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The eastern and western Pacific cool.
This condition causes the low supply of water vapor or the formation of rain clouds in Peru and in eastern Indonesia. So far the research undertaken by researchers of Marine Research Agency of Japan (JAMSTEC), parts of Indonesia has not much studied. This phenomenon was also recently published in 2004 by JAMSTEC researcher, said Fadli, who won his doctorate in Japan.
El Nino Modoki Research also conducted research of the Georgia Institute of Technology. "Typically, El Nino events cause the decrease of the storm in the Atlantic. However, this new type increased the storm, "said Peter Webster, professor at Georgia Tech's School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.
According to Webster's research that appeared in the journal Science last July edition, El Nino Modoki more predictable compared to El Nino. El Nino turned into a natural oscillation Modoki by El Nino or El Nino is a response to atmospheric menghangatnya or because changing the structure of La Nina El Nino
Labels: elnino
BEIJING, - Researchers have found a way to get the electricity generated by trees, so the media reports this weekend.
Children around the world who has conducted experiments lemon or potato battery mengetahu that electric current can be generated by creating a reaction between the food and two different metals.
However, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have found another way to reap electricity from the tree. They use the same metal for both electrodes that are specifically arranged so as not to confuse the effect with the impact of potato.
Although the tree proved to be a source of electricity is an important step, one question remains: Can the small voltage produced by a single tree is used for something useful?
After spending the summer to examine the trees, the researchers found that the broad-leaf tree produces a fixed voltage to several hundred milivolt. By adding a device called a voltage converter drivers, the research team with difficulty managed to obtain a usable voltage of 1.1 volts, enough to run a low-powered sensor.
A team member acknowledged that "the power of trees" sepraktis not solar energy, but he believes the system can be considered as a cheaper option to produce electric power for the sensor tree that helps detect environmental conditions or forest fires.
By using the electronic output to maintain the tree's health is another possibility. The study was planned published in the journal "Transactions on Nanotechnology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enggineers"
Labels: energy alternative, power of trees
Keampuhan sistem deteksi dengan menggunakan sistem radar kembali dibuktikan pada penanganan bencana gempa Padang, Sumatera Barat. Selama ini aplikasi teknik deteksi radar sudah dilakukan pada pemantauan cuaca serta lalu lintas penerbangan dan pelayaran.
Belakangan radar digunakan dalam pencarian situs purba di bawah tanah dan pencarian obyek penting yang terpendam di bawah tanah.
Pada bencana gempa Padang akhir September lalu banyak bangunan bertingkat yang ambles sehingga memerangkap beberapa orang di bawah reruntuhannya. Untuk mencari mereka yang masih dalam kondisi hidup diterapkan alat yang disebut detektor kehidupan (life detector). Pencarian dalam misi penyelamatan pascabencana dilakukan khususnya dalam lingkungan yang sulit dan pada lokasi yang tertimbun dalam.
Menurut Emi Frizer, senior SAR Instructor di Basarnas yang mengoperasikan alat tersebut di Padang, alat buatan Meksiko ini baru pertama kali digunakan di Indonesia sejak enam bulan terakhir.
Sebelum digunakan di Padang, detektor ini digunakan untuk mencari korban yang tertimbun longsoran di Tasikmalaya dan Cianjur, Jawa Barat, saat kawasan itu dilanda gempa.
”Pada pengoperasian di Tasikmalaya selama sembilan hari alat tersebut berhasil menyelamatkan sekitar tiga orang dari dalam rumahnya yang tertimbun longsoran,” ujar Emi.
Namun, Emi menyayangkan keberhasilan pendeteksian korban hidup yang terjebak dalam reruntuhan bangunan di Hotel Ambacang dan beberapa gedung lain yang runtuh tidak diikuti dengan evakuasi yang baik sehingga akhirnya nyawa mereka tidak terselamatkan.
”Penggunaan alat-alat berat dalam mengangkat puing, getarannya justru menggeser tumpukan puing bangunan sehingga mengimpit mereka,” ujar Emi.
Sementara itu, menurut Gagah Prakosa, Kepala Humas Basarnas, keterbatasan alat juga membuat mereka yang terpantau di bawah puing akhirnya meninggal. Pembongkaran reruntuhan bangunan yang memerangkap korban di Hotel Ambacang memakan waktu sekitar delapan jam. Padahal saat hari pertama life detector memantau, ada empat orang yang masih hidup.
Aplikasi ”life detector”
Sistem deteksi radar ini digunakan pada operasi pencarian korban yang masih hidup, tidak hanya yang dilanda gempa bumi dan tanah longsor, tetapi juga investigasi tindak kriminal di konstruksi bawah tanah.
Sistem deteksi ini memadukan teknologi radar pada kanal gelombang ultralebar dan teknologi biomedicine. Dengan penetrasi yang kuat, alat ini mampu melacak karakter kehidupan, seperti napas dan gerakan tubuh, secara tepat mengetahui jarak dan kedalaman jasad hidup yang terkubur, serta memiliki kemampuan tinggi untuk mengatasi interferensi atau gangguan sinyal.
Dibandingkan dengan teknologi deteksi menggunakan frekuensi audio atau inframerah optis, alat ini tidak terpengaruh oleh interferensi suhu lingkungan, obyek panas, dan suara.
Radar pendeteksi kehidupan telah dikembangkan untuk mendeteksi posisi korban hidup secara cepat dan tanpa dibatasi kondisi geografi, seperti reruntuhan, asap, dan daerah pertambangan yang kolaps serta kondisi korban, seperti terluka atau pingsan.
Sistem detektor ini terdiri dari bagian utama dan tampilan layar sistem pengontrol. Bagian utama sistem radar terdiri dari antena, pemancar, penerima sinyal, pengatur awal dan pengontrol sinyal, serta sistem daya. Pada dasarnya bagian ini menangani gelombang elektromagnetik dan komunikasi data. Adapun sistem pengontrol mengaktifkan konsol remote tanpa kabel dan bagian utama radar dengan menampilkan hasil deteksi radar.
Dijelaskan Emi, dalam pengoperasiannya, alat ini harus dibebaskan dari keberadaan manusia pada radius 30 kaki atau 9 meter. Adapun kedalaman lokasi yang dapat terpantau berkisar 3 meter hingga 6 meter.
Alat berukuran 60 x 40 sentimeter dan setinggi 20 sentimeter ini mampu memantau korban berdasarkan gerakan tubuh dan detak jantung hingga kedalaman 6 meter. Adapun napas terpantau hingga kedalaman 3 meter.
Lama gelombang untuk merambat hingga mencapai obyek tergantung dari kekerasan media yang menutupi. Untuk media beton, maksimum waktu yang diperlukan 120 detik. ”Bila dalam 120 detik layar monitor pada alat seukuran PDA atau telepon seluler yang dipegang operator tidak menunjukkan hasil, itu artinya obyek tidak terdeteksi atau terjangkau alat ini,” jelasnya.
Saat ini alat tersebut dikembangkan oleh beberapa negara, bukan hanya negara maju, melainkan juga negara berkembang. Selain Meksiko, di pasaran juga ditemukan life detector buatan China dan Singapura.
Labels: alat pengeteksi gempa, gempa, gempa bumi, gempa sumatra
Global warming cause huge disasters for the health. Countries in t
ropical regions affected the most vulnerable.
Concern was voiced by the health impact of a dozen professional organization incorporated in the health sector in the world. They expressed concern, among others through publication in the journal The Lancet and British Medical Journal, recently.
Concerns were expressed related to Conference of Parties-15 (COP-15) UN Conference on Climate Change (UNCCC) in Copenhagen, Danish, December.
In that publication, the doctors and other health professions view, failure to reach agreement on climate change negotiations in Copenhagen will bring a global health disaster. Tropical countries, mostly developing countries, with a health condition that is of concern, will receive the greatest effect.
According to public health experts from the Environment Ministry of Health Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia, I Made Jaya, last week, global warming is the result of a series of hooks to each other phenomena, such as population growth, increasing demand for natural resources, industrialization, fuel consumption, emissions, increased temperatures, melting ice, the increase of water vapor, and the monsoon winds change direction.
He gave an example, with global warming, the greater the amplitude of the temperature. In the afternoon, the temperature can be much hotter and colder at night, depending on the region. Condition alone causes immune system so that people prone to decrease disease easily.
Even more worrying, the outbreak of diseases due to seasonal changes. "In the past, chickenpox is usually in September and October. Sign in rainy season, the growth of fungi and viruses more easily. But now, throughout the year there was the case, "he said.
Scarcity of water resources due to irregularities and the failure of winter water management will affect the food shortages and malnutrition diseases. Disease agents are also easily mutate. This is, for example, looks with the emergence of bird flu cases and influenza A (H1N1). Corona virus, for example, mutate causing SARS.
Many of the region is warming so that parasitic disease vectors, like mosquitoes, spread to new areas unprepared for the arrival of the disease carriers. (BBC / AFP / National Geographies / INE)
Labels: Global warming cause
Total solar eclipse events (GMT), Wednesday (22 / 7), met in a number of lively cities in Asian countries. In fact, there are welcome this rare opportunity to bring a unique seasuatu.
For instance some hotels in the vicinity Bund, Shanghai, China. In addition to the observations together, the hotel provides special breakfast eclipse.
Although the weather had disrupted the less support so that eclipse can be observed with the whole, citizens of China was very keen to observe ongoing phenomenon of a total solar eclipse is said to be the longest eclipse of the 21st century. Eclipse of the sun began to appear in China from 08.15 o'clock in the morning local time and lasted 6 minutes 39 submarines seconds.
Local station, China Central Television, run from the minutes duration of a solar eclipse is said to be "The Grat Yangtze River Solar Eclipse".
Based on the image shown CCTV television stations, millions of people gathered in the southwestern region of China to get a clear appearance of a solar eclipse is in progress.
Shangahai residents decide to deal with weather that is less supportive to stay to enjoy the eclipse of the sun that causes the dark atmosphere in China at 09.36 o'clock local time.
"Eclipse has lasted for an hour, but with performances like this, you will not want to miss follow. This is an incredible experience," said Allen Chen, the Shanghai office worker who decided to take to the streets to observe the eclipse.
Labels: Eclipses
INDONESIA— Dari hasil kajian Pusat Mitigasi Bencana Institut Teknologi Bandung secara mendalam terhadap sumber-sumber gempa, baik subduksi (pertemuan lempeng), maupun shallow crusal (patahan dangkal) ditemukan patahan-patahan baru yang belum terdeteksi secara spesifik dalam peta zonasi gempa pada SNI-03-1726-2002.
"Ditemukan sumber-sumber gempa di zona Sumatera, Jawa, dan Nusa Tenggara," ungkap Kepala Pusat Mitigasi Bencana ITB I Wayan Sengara saat diskusi di Kantor BPPT Jakarta, Selasa (21/7).
I Wayan menjelaskan, sumber-sumber gempa subduksi Sumatera yang ditemukan yaitu di daerah Andaman, Aceh-Siemelue, Nias, Kepulauan Batu, Mentawai, Bengkulu, dan Sunda. Adapun untuk sumber gempa shallow crusal di wilayah Jawa dan Nusa Tenggara, yaitu patahan Lembang, patahan Cimandiri, Baribis, Opak, Doang, Sepanjang, Kangean, Flores, serta patahan-patahan lainnya di sekitar zona Sumatera, Jawa, dan Nusa Tenggara.
"Tiga patahan daerah Jawa, yaitu Cimandiri, Lembang, Opak, Baribis diperkirakan 10 persen kemungkinan terjadi gempa dalam waktu 50 tahun ke depan dengan kekuatan gempa relatif medium," ucapnya.
Pusat Mitigasi Bencana ITB juga memberikan rekomendasi jangka pendek untuk penyempurnaan peta zonasi gempa, yaitu menyelesaikan dan menyempurnakan keseluruhan hasil analisis dari berbagai sumber gempa untuk wilayah Sumatera, Jawa, dan Nusa Tenggara serta melakukan analisis sejenis untuk wilayah Indonesia Timur yang meliputi blok Irian dan blok Sulawesi-Kalimantan.
"Untuk jangka menengah, melakukan penelitian terhadap patahan-patahan yang dicurigai aktif," ujarnya.
Adapun jangka panjang, tambah I Wayan, memasang lebih banyak GPS monitoring pada patahan-patahan aktif sepanjang pulau di Indonesia untuk mendapatkan informasi data kecepatan pergerakan lempeng dan patahan.
"Langkah lain, mempercepat pelaksanaan pemasangan jaringan strong-motion accelerometer untuk menangkap getaran gempa kuat dari berbagai sumber gempa," ungkapnya.
Semua rekomendasi tersebut, kata dia, untuk masukan dalam perbaikan peta zonasi gempa yang masih mengacu pada peta SNI tahun 2002 agar seluruh infrastruktur yang akan dibangun dipersiapkan tahan gempa. "Kita berharap akhir tahun ini peta baru selesai dan diharapkan dilakukan penyempurnaan peta gempa secara berkala setiap 5 tahun sekali,"
Labels: gempa, gempa bumi
Indonesia has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60 percent until the year 2030 by combining environmental policy and the appropriate international support.
Policy and institutional changes in the forestry sector, power generation, transportation, and management of peatlands represent an opportunity for Indonesia to move to the path of more sustainable economy.
Thus exposure to the Minister for the Environment and Chief Executive of the National Council on Climate Change (DNPI) Rachmat Witoelar told reporters on Thursday (27 / 8) in Jakarta. This data is temporarily DNPI studies this year.
"Indonesia recognizes the threat faced by all nations from global warming, and will seek to reduce emissions in the country along this line with national development goals," said Rachmat.
DNPI data show, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia in 2005 reached 2.3 giga tons. These emissions would increase by 3.6 giga tons in 2030 if there is no change in the search for management in some sectors.
Indonesia itself, for one, will focus on the forestry sector, agriculture, transportation, buildings, and cement. From this sector, Indonesia opportunity to reduce greenhouse gases by 2.3 giga tons in 2030.
As is known, peat and forestry are the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia, which reached 45 percent. To suppress these emissions, Indonesia would rehabilitate damaged peatlands.
"In addition, Indonesia will actively influence the international negotiations on greenhouse gas emissions, develop a climate change strategy in the country that are reliable, and to increase public awareness of the risks and opportunities climate change,"
Indonesia has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60 percent until the year 2030 by combining environmental policy and the appropriate international support.
Policy and institutional changes in the forestry sector, power generation, transportation, and management of peatlands represent an opportunity for Indonesia to move to the path of more sustainable economy.
Thus exposure to the Minister for the Environment and Chief Executive of the National Council on Climate Change (DNPI) Rachmat Witoelar told reporters on Thursday (27 / 8) in Jakarta. This data is temporarily DNPI studies this year.
"Indonesia recognizes the threat faced by all nations from global warming, and will seek to reduce emissions in the country along this line with national development goals," said Rachmat.
DNPI data show, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia in 2005 reached 2.3 giga tons. These emissions would increase by 3.6 giga tons in 2030 if there is no change in the search for management in some sectors.
Indonesia itself, for one, will focus on the forestry sector, agriculture, transportation, buildings, and cement. From this sector, Indonesia opportunity to reduce greenhouse gases by 2.3 giga tons in 2030.
As is known, peat and forestry are the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia, which reached 45 percent. To suppress these emissions, Indonesia would rehabilitate damaged peatlands.
"In addition, Indonesia will actively influence the international negotiations on greenhouse gas emissions, develop a climate change strategy in the country that are reliable, and to increase public awareness of the risks and opportunities climate change,"
Head of Forestry Department of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Joseph Diaz said, about 9989 hectares (2.25 per cent) of mangrove forests in the province was damaged from the existing 40,695 hectares.
"From the 40,695 hectares of mangrove forest in the NTT has been a lot of pressure due to mangrove deforestation by communities to the need of building materials, firewood," he said in Kupang, Sunday (16 / 8).
According to Diaz, the results of a survey conducted Forest Service, university Nusa Cendana (Undana), and Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) mentions, the potential of mangrove in East Nusa Tenggara large enough to be found in the waters off eastern Indonesia.
In this region, this ecosystem at some locations more prominent when compared with other coastal ecosystems.
Mangrove forest in NTT is not as much as on the larger islands in Indonesia due to natural conditions in NTT which limit the growth of mangrove, such as the lack of a large estuary on the NTT that mangrove growth that is very thin.
"In some locations mangroves can grow well because it supported a large estuary with a high sedimentation in the estuary of the river as Benenain in Belu district and river estuaries Noelmina in Kupang district," he said.
Former Head of Environmental Impact Management Agency (Bapedalda) NTT is further said, the Forest Service survey, UNDANA, and IPB also managed to identify 11 species of mangrove on the island of Timor, Rote, Sabu, and Semau.
"The survey results were also found in mangrove forests NTT, there were approximately nine families that are divided into 15 species of mangrove genjah (Rizophora mucronata), a small mangrove (Rizophora apiculata), mangroves tancang (Bruguera), mangrove fires (Avecinnia), mangroves jambok (Xylocorpus), mangrove bintaro (Cerbera mangkas), mangrove wande (Hibiscus tiliacues), "he said.
However, the existence of this species, as one source of coastal and marine resources of NTT, which threatens the capacity of degraded sustainable (sustainable capacity) in support of regional development.
In NTT, the degradation of coastal resources and the sea is caused not only by human factors, but also by natural factors, such as changes in temperature and salinity, sea water, climate change, and strong waves.
But from the data obtained, the more damage and more severe due to the influence antropogenic (human activity), such as oil spills and waste, excess fishing (overfishing), the mining of coral reefs, conservation of the ponds, and fish bombing and cyanide of potassium.
Labels: Damage, Mangrove, Mangrove Damage







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