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Nature conservation agency under the United Nations to remind the importance of Climate Change Conference in 2009 produced an ambitious agreement. Pickling sea due to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere caused the extinction of species of marine biota.
Food security is threatened and seriously affect the world economy. In fact, pickling sea rose 30 percent since the industrial age 250 years ago. "Pickling the sea was described as 'wicked pair' of climate change," said Navy Vice Chair IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Dan Laffoley at the launch of a report in The Ocean and Climate Change Tools and Guidelines for Action at the Bella Center, Copenhagen, Danish.
Endangered marine biota include coral reefs and shelled animals, which is a key ocean organisms. Coral reefs are a holder of hundreds of thousands of species of life, including ornamental fish and commercial fish, which provide livelihoods for many coastal communities. Shelled animals play an important role in the marine food chain.
High levels of acid-sea coral reefs causing death, which took tens to hundreds of years to recover. If that happens, the sea can be a source of peril. Whereas 70 percent of the area consists of the world ocean. In addition, nearly 90 percent of the world population is tangent to the sea.
Research publications mentioned, if the CO levels in the atmosphere continue to rise, the acidity of seawater will increase 120 percent in 2060, the largest in 21 million this year. In the year 2100, 70 percent of coral exposed to the cold sea water corrosive. "Marine must be one of the main issues in the discussion," Laffoley said.
Besides the fact the world's population directly dependent on the sea, the ocean has absorbed 25 percent of CO emitted per year and supply of oxygen for living things.
In fact, marine issues still major issues to be negotiated. Recognized that there is a lack of data supporting the role of the ocean as carbon sinks. Especially for the sea in the tropics, such as Indonesia. Some of the judge released more emissions because of the influence of ocean currents and the position of the Sun. Head of the IUCN Marine Program says Carl Gustaf Lundin, now is the right time to cut the rate of emissions in large numbers.
Labels: save sea life
Let's save the sea life
Nature conservation agency under the United Nations to remind the importance of Climate Change Conference in 2009 produced an ambitious agreement. Pickling sea due to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere caused the extinction of species of marine biota.
Food security is threatened and seriously affect the world economy. In fact, pickling sea rose 30 percent since the industrial age 250 years ago. "Pickling the sea was described as 'wicked pair' of climate change," said Navy Vice Chair IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Dan Laffoley at the launch of a report in The Ocean and Climate Change Tools and Guidelines for Action at the Bella Center, Copenhagen, Danish.
Endangered marine biota include coral reefs and shelled animals, which is a key ocean organisms. Coral reefs are a holder of hundreds of thousands of species of life, including ornamental fish and commercial fish, which provide livelihoods for many coastal communities. Shelled animals play an important role in the marine food chain.
High levels of acid-sea coral reefs causing death, which took tens to hundreds of years to recover. If that happens, the sea can be a source of peril. Whereas 70 percent of the area consists of the world ocean. In addition, nearly 90 percent of the world population is tangent to the sea.
Research publications mentioned, if the CO levels in the atmosphere continue to rise, the acidity of seawater will increase 120 percent in 2060, the largest in 21 million this year. In the year 2100, 70 percent of coral exposed to the cold sea water corrosive. "Marine must be one of the main issues in the discussion," Laffoley said.
Besides the fact the world's population directly dependent on the sea, the ocean has absorbed 25 percent of CO emitted per year and supply of oxygen for living things.
In fact, marine issues still major issues to be negotiated. Recognized that there is a lack of data supporting the role of the ocean as carbon sinks. Especially for the sea in the tropics, such as Indonesia. Some of the judge released more emissions because of the influence of ocean currents and the position of the Sun. Head of the IUCN Marine Program says Carl Gustaf Lundin, now is the right time to cut the rate of emissions in large numbers.
Labels: save a sea life
Extreme rainfall and cliff cracks suspected to cause landslides. Researchers from soil erosion Environmental Geography UGM,, rainfall in the region reached 75 millimeters per hari.Padahal, under normal conditions of rainfall ranges from 10 to 20 millimeters per day.
at the top of the cliff that there are cracks that have been closed sedimen.Saat high rainfall, the water continued to enter into the cracks because they do not hold water then the cliff landslide.
t landslide-prone areas, usually can be seen from the ground geological factors.
T land in the volcanic deposits of loose materials like sand and andesite so easy landslide.
"The condition is quite high landslide potential, there is much less vibration, resulting in unstable soil movement, the" bias landslide disasters happen all the time.
Labels: Causes of landslides
These crystals are red-orange and allows the creation of electronic devices more environmentally friendly.
Several types of computers can store information by using the character ferroelektrik metal, or metal means it can create positive and negative pole when placed in an electric field. But, usually metal used is a rare species or toxic.
Now, Sachio Horiouchi from the National Institute of Science and Technology of Advanced Industrial Ibaraki, Japan, and his colleagues have discovered the nature of the material ferroelektrik crystal croconic acid, which contains only carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
Croconic acid was found 170 years ago, but only in the last decade could be crystallized. When the team Horiuchi provide an electric field in the crystal at room temperature, they can turn the electricity poles.
But the researchers also saw that there was delay between the time the field is removed until the polarity of the crystal is turned. Horiuchi said, is regular for ferroelektrik. Also, this is a clear sign that there is the ability to save and change the electric polarization. These findings suggest that croconic acid can lead to the creation of electronic equipment organic.
Marty Gregg of Queen's University, Belfast, UK, stated, in fact already found other organic polymers that also have ferroelektrik properties, for example polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). "But the organic system than PVDF ferroelektrik pretty cool, because it opens more possibilities for all kinds of organic equipment."
However, he also warned that the results of Horiuchi team also showed that the acid may be too lelet croconic polarity changes to be used as RAM (random access memory for computers) that are ferroelektrik. "But I think these findings will remain warm welcome."
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Labels: trade show's exhibits, tradeshow







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