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The researchers predicted, the Arctic Sea (poles) will be free of ice in summer within the next decade. After the spring over, the researchers re-measured the thickness of the ice along the 450 mile route across the Beaufort Sea. They found most of the ice is very thin.
Expedition leader and a sea ice expert from the University of Cambridge, Peter Wadhams, said in the spring of last year's average ice thickness is only 1.8 meters, indicating the age of the layer was about one year. Meanwhile, the ice that had for years about 3 meters.
Thin layer becomes important indications concerning the condition of ice in the Arctic Sea. "Simply put, the thin ice will disappear in an instant ice began to melt season," he said. Wind and ocean currents could also break the thin ice. Broken ice floating freely and be easily driven into the area warmer waters and melt. Catlin Arctic Survey and the international conservation group WWF supports these findings.
The situation in the Arctic ice is very influenced climate and natural conditions. Sea ice conditions in the Arctic is often also associated with climate change and global warming.
JAKARTA, — Jauh dari gambaran lembut seperti dilukiskan mitologi-mitologi kuno, Dewi Pertiwi sesungguhnya gampang senewen dan meledak-ledak.
Dia begitu peka sehingga sedikit saja cuaca dan iklim berubah, maka tercabiklah kerak bumi, dan keluarlah letusan vulkanik, gempa bumi dan longsor yang semuanya dahsyat.
Pernyataan itu bukan dari pendongeng, melainkan kesimpulan sejumlah ilmuwan yang pertengahan September 2009 berkumpul di London, Inggris, pada satu konferensi bertajuk "Climate Forcing of Geological and Geomorphological Hazards".
Para ilmuwan itu menilai perubahan iklim bisa merusak keseimbangan planet Bumi, kemudian menghadiahi manusia dengan rangkaian bencana geologis.
Sudah lama diketahui bahwa antara iklim dan pergerakan kerak bumi saling berkaitan, namun baru kini ditegaskan bahwa betapa pekanya lapisan bumi terhadap udara, es dan air di atasnya.
"Anda tak perlu perubahan besar-besaran untuk memancing respons kerak bumi," kata Bill McGuire dari University College London (UCL), ketua konferensi ilmuwan itu.
Simon Dya dari Universitas Oxford, serta McGuire dan Serge Guillas dari UCL, memaparkan bukti, bagaimana perubahan halus pada tingkat permukaan laut mempengaruhi kegempaan di Patahan Pasifik Timur, salah satu batas lempeng benua yang menjadi mekar paling cepat.
Para ilmuwan memokuskan perhatian pada lempeng mini Easter - lempeng tektonik yang menghampar di bawah samudera di lepas pantai Pulau Easter - karena lempeng ini relatif terisolir dari sesar-sesar lain.
Fokus ini mempermudah upaya membedakan perubahan-perubahan dalam lempeng tektonik yang terjadi karena sistem iklim, dari yang tercipta akibat tumbukan.
Sejak 1973, datangnya gelombang El Nino setiap sekian tahun berkorelasi dengan frekuensi gempa bawah laut berkekuatan magnituda 4 dan 6.
Ilmuwan yakin, kemunculan El Nino dan terjadinya gempa bawah laut itu berkaitan. El Nino menaikkan permukaan air laut sampai puluhan centimeter. Ilmuwan juga yakin berat air ekstra bisa meningkatkan tekanan aliran fluida dalam pori-pori batuan dasar laut.
Tekanan ini cukup menetralisir energi geseran yang menyangga batuan agar tetap di tempatnya, sehingga sesar-sesar menjadi mudah bergeser. "Perubahan pada tingkat permukaan laut terjadi pelan dan usikan kecil saja bisa berdampak luar biasa besar," kata Day.
Letusan Vulkanik
Perubahan kecil di samudera itu juga dapat mempengaruhi letusan vulkanik, sambung David Pyle dari Universitas Oxford.
Setelah meneliti letusan-letusan vulkanik dalam 300 tahun terakhir, Pyle menilai karakter vulkanisme (aktivitas vulkanik) berbeda-beda, tergantung musim.
Katanya, letusan vulkanik di seluruh dunia 20 persen lebih sering terjadi di musim dingin (belahan bumi utara) ketimbang di musim panas.
Itu karena tingkat permukaan air laut global turun perlahan selama musim dingin, dan berhubung daratan lebih banyak di belahan utara, maka air menjadi lebih banyak membeku menjadi es dan salju selama musim dingin (belahan selatan).
Sementara itu, kebanyakan gunung api teraktif di dunia hanya puluhan kilometer dari pantai. Ini menunjukkan, penyusutan bobot samudera di tepi benua yang terjadi secara musiman akibat menurunnya permukaan air laut, bisa memicu letusan vulkanik di seluruh dunia, ulas Pyle.
Pandangan tentang beberapa gunung api meletus saat permukaan air laut turun, tak berarti naiknya permukaan laut akibat perubahan iklim, akan menekan aktivitas vulkanik.
Di Alaska, Gunung Pavlof lebih sering meletus pada bulan-bulan di musim dingin, sementara penelitian awal Steve McNutt dari Observatorium Gunung Api menyimpulkan, naiknya permukaan laut 30 cm setiap musim dingin, terjadi karena rendahnya tekanan udara dan kuatnya gelombang badai.
Lokasi Gunung Api Pavlof berada menunjukkan, bobot tambahan di samudera terdekat bisa menekan magma ke permukaan.
Di wilayah lain, berat estra samudera saat tingkat permukaan laut naik, bisa melengkungkan kerak bumi dan mengurangi pemampatan sehingga magma menjadi lebih mudah mencapai permukaan di gunung-gunung api terdekat, kata McGuire.
Semua contoh itu agaknya saling bertentangan, namun intinya setiap perubahan permukaan laut bisa mengubah tekanan di tepi benua yang cukup untuk memicu letusan gunung berapi yang sudah siap meletus, kata McGuire.
Perubahan kecil dalam curah hujan bisa juga memicu letusan vulkanik. Pada 2001, letusan besar di gunung api Soufriere Hills di Pulau Montserrat di Karibia terjadi karena tingginya curah hujan.
Curah hujan yang tinggi ini menggoyahkan kubah gunung api hingga cukup untuk memuntahkan magma dalam perut gunung api.
Kini, hujan tropis tampaknya sudah umum dianggap bisa memicu letusan gunung api, sedangkan menurut model ilmiah iklim, banyak kawasan, termasuk daerah tropis, bertambah panas akibat perubahan iklim.
Adrian Matthews dari Universitas East Anglia dan para koleganya, meneliti respons menit ke menit gunung berapi Montserrat setelah dikenai lebih dari 200 rangsangan selama tiga tahun. Tim peneliti menemukan, respons itu terlihat dari meningkatnya aktivitas vulkanik selama dua hari.
Hujan harian meningkatkan kemungkinan keroposnya kubah gunung api dari 1,5 sampai 16 persen sehingga tak perlu menunggu hujan besar. "Anda juga tak perlu badai (untuk menggerogoti kubah gunung)," kata Matthews.
Lapisan Es
Mungkin hambatan geologis terbesar selama perubahan iklim adalah dampak mencairnya lapisan es. Di samping risiko bahwa sedimen-sedimen goyah yang muncul karena es mencair bisa menyelinap masuk laut sebagai longsor pemicu tsunami, tanggalnya lapisan es juga bisa memicu letusan gunung api.
"Bahkan penciutan (lapisan es) puluhan sentimeter saja sudah cukup menciptakan perubahan," kata Andrew Russell dari Universitas Newcastle.
Contohnya glasier Vatnajokull di Islandia yang berdiri di atas batas lempeng dan sejumlah gunung api yang kemungkinan sirna dua abad nanti. "Jika itu sirna, Anda mesti berjuang membunuh kengerian dari membesarnya beban (samudera) yang akan meningkatkan aktivitas vulkanik," kata Russell.
Di awal zaman es terakhir, aktivitas vulkanik di Islandia utara meningkat hingga 30 kali lebih besar dibandingkan sekarang. Dan jika nanti gunung-gunung api di belahan utara yang tertutup es itu meletus, maka hamburan letusan akan menebari dunia.
Ilustrasinya terjadi pada 1783 saat Gunung Berapi Laki di Islandia memuntahkan debu belerang ke seluruh Eropa sehingga benua ini mengalami satu musim dingin maut yang membunuh ribuan orang.
Saat ini memang belum jelas berapa besar perubahan iklim akan memengaruhi frekuensi dan intensitas gempa bumi serta letusan gunung api mengingat kepekaan Planet Bumi terhadap iklim baru teramati intens belakangan ini.
Selain itu, belum cukup data untuk menciptakan model pemrakira cuaca yang mengaitkan kedua sistem. "Tapi yang pasti, aksi manusia semakin mudah memprovokasi Planet Bumi," kata McGuire.
Sumber : ANT
BANDUNG, INDONESIA - Noted as many as 24 small islands in Indonesia have disappeared, either due to natural events, as well as human activity. But that's not how. Even more worrying, in 2000 another island was also threatened the country sank due to the impact of global warming. This was disclosed by Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Freddy Numberi when delivering a public lecture at the University Widyatama (Main), Bandung, Friday (2 / 10). This public lecture event was also attended by the Regent Sorong Stepanus Malak and Main academic community.
Freddy said, the 24 islands lost in the tsunami in Aceh in 2004, abrasion, and sand mining activities are not controlled. These islands of Pulau Sinjai Gosong in Aceh by the tsunami, Mioswekel in Papua due to abrasion, and Lereh in the Riau Islands due to sand mining. Global warming, he said, the most concrete threat and danger to other islands in the country.
According to the analysis with the Department of Marine Fisheries and the UN, in the year 2030, about 2,000 small islands in Indonesia will be gone. "I have a list of his, but I can not express here," he said. It is said Freddy, rising sea levels could reach more than 2 meters if there is no serious treatment in stopping the rate of global warming.
Not only in small islands, in simulations of climate change impacts, some coastal areas north of Jakarta will sink. "Soekarno-Hatta International Airport would be lost if there is no serious effort to reduce the rate of global warming. I believe the same, all brothers if alive at the time that one day I will remember this talk," he said.
The threat of sinking the island by sea level rise, he said, was not groundless. "Now, had truly happened," he said giving example of Kiribati and Tuvalu Islands. "The President of Kiribati has asked citizens of the world to accommodate its citizens as 'country' they have lost," he said. Citizens of countries located in the Pacific Ocean has been accommodated in Australia and New Zealand.
Labels: effec global warming, gempa sumatra, global warming
Labels: alat pengeteksi gempa, gambar gempa, gempa, peta gempa simatra
Lokasi Gempa berkekuatan 7,6 SR, di Sumatera Barat yang terjadi tanggal 30 September 2009, termasuk gempa yang besar, dan lebih besar dibandingkan gempa yang terjadi beberapa waktu lalu di Tasik Malaya Jawa Barat, kerusakan yang diakibatkan gempa ini sama seperti gempa Yogya beberapa tahun lalu berikut peta lokasi gempa:
Lokasi : 0.789°S, 99.961°E
Sumber Gempa :
45 km (30 miles) WNW of Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia
220 km (135 miles) SW of Pekanbaru, Sumatra, Indonesia
475 km (295 miles) SSW of KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
960 km (590 miles) NW of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

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JAKARTA, INDONESIA - Global warming is causing major health disaster. Countries in tropical regions affected the most vulnerable.
Concern was voiced by the health impact of a dozen professional organization incorporated in the health sector in the world. They expressed concern, among others through publication in the journal The Lancet and British Medical Journal, recently.
Concerns were expressed related to Conference of Parties-15 (COP-15) UN Conference on Climate Change (UNCCC) in Copenhagen, Danish, December.
In that publication, the doctors and other health professions view, failure to reach agreement on climate change negotiations in Copenhagen will bring a global health disaster. Tropical countries, mostly developing countries, with a health condition that is of concern, will receive the greatest effect.
According to public health experts from the Environment Ministry of Health Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia, I Made Jaya, last week, global warming is the result of a series of hooks to each other phenomena, such as population growth, increasing demand for natural resources, industrialization, fuel consumption, emissions, increased temperatures, melting ice, the increase of water vapor, and the monsoon winds change direction.
He gave an example, with global warming, the greater the amplitude of the temperature. In the afternoon, the temperature can be much hotter and colder at night, depending on the region. Condition alone causes immune system so that people prone to decrease disease easily.
Even more worrying, the outbreak of diseases due to seasonal changes. "In the past, chickenpox is usually in September and October. Sign in rainy season, the growth of fungi and viruses more easily. But now, throughout the year there was the case, "he said.
Scarcity of water resources due to irregularities and the failure of winter water management will affect the food shortages and malnutrition diseases. Disease agents are also easily mutate. This is, for example, looks with the emergence of bird flu cases and influenza A (H1N1). Corona virus, for example, mutate causing SARS.
Many of the region is warming so that parasitic disease vectors, like mosquitoes, spread to new areas unprepared for the arrival of the disease carriers. (BBC / AFP / National Geographies / INE)
Concern was voiced by the health impact of a dozen professional organization incorporated in the health sector in the world. They expressed concern, among others through publication in the journal The Lancet and British Medical Journal, recently.
Concerns were expressed related to Conference of Parties-15 (COP-15) UN Conference on Climate Change (UNCCC) in Copenhagen, Danish, December.
In that publication, the doctors and other health professions view, failure to reach agreement on climate change negotiations in Copenhagen will bring a global health disaster. Tropical countries, mostly developing countries, with a health condition that is of concern, will receive the greatest effect.
According to public health experts from the Environment Ministry of Health Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia, I Made Jaya, last week, global warming is the result of a series of hooks to each other phenomena, such as population growth, increasing demand for natural resources, industrialization, fuel consumption, emissions, increased temperatures, melting ice, the increase of water vapor, and the monsoon winds change direction.
He gave an example, with global warming, the greater the amplitude of the temperature. In the afternoon, the temperature can be much hotter and colder at night, depending on the region. Condition alone causes immune system so that people prone to decrease disease easily.
Even more worrying, the outbreak of diseases due to seasonal changes. "In the past, chickenpox is usually in September and October. Sign in rainy season, the growth of fungi and viruses more easily. But now, throughout the year there was the case, "he said.
Scarcity of water resources due to irregularities and the failure of winter water management will affect the food shortages and malnutrition diseases. Disease agents are also easily mutate. This is, for example, looks with the emergence of bird flu cases and influenza A (H1N1). Corona virus, for example, mutate causing SARS.
Many of the region is warming so that parasitic disease vectors, like mosquitoes, spread to new areas unprepared for the arrival of the disease carriers. (BBC / AFP / National Geographies / INE)
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