UNFCCC in Denmark

JAKARTA, - Once in Bali, UN agencies convention on climate change (UNFCCC or the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) will be re-held in Copenhagen, Danish, Sunday (13/12/09).

The conference was first held in 1992 that aims to urge all states concerned to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at levels that are considered harmless Earth's climate. This year, the meeting will make proposals to use carbon payments to protect forests in the world.

The conference titled "Forest Day 3" is dedicated to discussing the role of forests in climate change, mitigation and adaptation to change, and will focus on "Forest Biodiversity and Climate Change."

The negotiators will also discuss a global framework for REDD (reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and forest degradation defortasi). Thus countries that reduce their deforestation rates will get credit for reduced gas emissions. Credits would then be sold on the international carbon market or will be channeled into an international fund.

In a question and answer session at a media briefing at the Hotel Intercontinental, Tuesday (25 / 8) morning, Dr Agus Purnomo, representing the government as Executive Secretary National Council on Climate Change, explains, indigenous forest communities in Indonesia do not have different perceptions with developed countries and developing the gas emissions that produce the most in the world such as China.

"Society and the village is a large portion, so from their government that has a big responsibility as indigenous forest communities will be given an incentive of about 70 percent," said Dr. Masripatin Nur, leader of the REDD team from the Department of Forestry.

1 Comment:

  1. JR said...
    wow keren buanget euy linggisnya tajem pisan

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