Showing posts with label economic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economic. Show all posts

world trade down sharply

Price a number of world commodity trade has decreased sharply on Monday (22 / 6) or the United States on Tuesday (23 / 6) WIB, as a result of poor economic views of the World Bank which caused the decline in investor optimism towards recovery ekonomi.hal this very effect on the economy world, especially to Indonesia, which are now experiencing a global financial crisis and is in the tepa problems silih switch, belumlagi now mengahadapi presidential election that will not long hold in the future on 8 July.

Sharp decline in commodity prices are going from silver commodities, oil, and corn. This condition causes most of the investors move their money from the commodity sector to sector as a safe reserve fund (treasury) and the dollar currency.

World Bank assessment on global economic growth, will fall to 2.9 percent this year. Value is far higher than the number predicted 1.7 percent previously rejected a number of the many circles.

Direvisinya assessments that make confusion for investors, especially those recently purchased commodities in the hope that economic cycles will be back quickly improved.

Sales of commodities that focuses on shares of energy and materials company, a little help pushing the main stock index down at least two percent in afternoon trading. In the trade on Monday (22 / 6), among those involved in the sales dollar against other currencies, also provide additional pressure on prices.

Due to global warming

Are now going to the global warming, all human experience is a result of global warming, and are: temperature of the increasing heat, the weather is not so certain and which increase the keterpurukan global economic crisis is being felt by countries in the world it.

True, the current countries in the world feel the problems are ongoing, global warming could not already in atasi happen again now that the global economic crisis does not quite compare with the global warming.
Global economic crisis has been the victim swallow countries that are less strong economy, and they seek help for example to the world bank, and loans that it will spend in a very heavy burden to be able membayarnya.sampai-up to become a legacy for the younger generation who will come .
This must be thinking all of us, which is equivalent to lerpas of this issue and a worthy life.
Here we are required to be able to build our economy so that countries can be separated from jeratan global economic crisis and debt bagin not leaving our children and grandchildren in the future.

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