Year 2009 to be important for the Indonesian nation is vulnerable to climate change. Throughout this year, there will be a series of international negotiations to set a new agreement on climate change response.

Beginning negotiations with the negotiations that took place in Bonn, Germany, on 29 March to 8 April and ended in December later in Copenhagen, Denmark. While the process of negotiations (climate change talks) take place in stages, the Earth Day 2009 falls on 22 April will be the birth of momentum Green Generation Campaign (Campaign Green generation).

Earth Day is expected to become a day of action and participation of each citizen to defend principles of Generation Green. Green Generation defend the principle, among others, free of emissions of greenhouse gases (Grk) in the future by using eco-friendly energy that replaces fossil fuels (like oil and coal), the commitment of each individual to use energy in a sustainable and responsible, creating green economy (green economy) that can lift people from poverty by providing opportunities for green jobs (green jobs), and change the education system into a global education system green (green education).

On Earth Day commemoration this year, Pelangi Indonesia Green generation that can only be realized if all parties, both individuals and groups, an action-action-friendly environment and climate friendly. This also needs to be done by policy makers, both at the national and international, who must make decisions about the agreement and cooperation to address climate change.

Pelangi Indonesia as a non-profit organization concerned to emphasize the importance of preserving the environment all stakeholders in Indonesia, especially policy makers, to engage in a reduction in the rate and the impact of climate change. Therefore, it is important for society to encourage the government in order to participate actively in international processes and to make and implement policy on mitigation and adaptation activities to climate change.

1 Comment:

  1. raj said...
    great work... to free from emission its very essential..nice blog.
    Work from home

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