

COMPANIES IN THE ERA problematic the financial crisis
In this era of corporate globalization and increasingly competitive due to the declining monetary crisis. Even our know price $ 1 U.S. Dollar penetrate Rp 13.000, - (threeten teuzen rupiaz). How to position the company at this time of the day getting squeezed with the TDL (Electricity rate) the more expensive and increase, not to mention the added SKB Minister about the work on Sunday. The day the company either will not samakin but even more bad.

Many ways have been made by the company for the prevention efforts that do not occur Termination of Employment Relations (PHK) that is the way to the cost of production efficiency, reduce over time, offer the opportunity for early retirement of workers or laborers who have been eligible, and merumahkan temporary workers or labor alternately.

Now we see companies - companies that have many in India are also due to the roll mats this monetary crisis. PHK is going where - where. Especially textile company that is currently purchasing power people of Europe and the United States declined even to cancel agreements to purchase textiles. Indeed very mengenaskan this is going on in our country. Moreover, added the City Minimum Wage (UMK) the increase to 7% (Seven Percent) more. All this has happened and how the government's efforts so that the monetary crisis is the decrease?

Some of the companies conducted by the buyer with a switch (the buyer) to the Middle East or temporary employees merumahkan alternately. However, there are several things that can not be received by workers in a way that is merumahkan temporary or early retirement offers. This surely be gazed by States against the workers because the law - Law Number 13 Year 2003 About Labor, Regulation and Company Work Together Agreement (PKB) company.

The monetary crisis has occurred and override our country. How do our current attitudes? Currently Jamsostek is to provide assurance Day Tua (JHT) PHK workers for about Rp 4.2 trillion to anticipate claims Jamainan Day Tua (JHT) of the workers and their PHK - the workers will get Rp 300,000 for each worker as a participant Jamsostek. Apart from the above initiatives Jamsostek propose Amendments 14 PP Tax Year 1993 Article 32 paragraph (2) the waiting period payment Jaminan Day Old (JHT). With diubahnya article is the six-month waiting period for payment JHT will be shortened to one week.


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