Laser, yang banyak digunakan sebagai pembaca CD dan alat penunjuk (pointer), kini menemukan pasangannya. A Douglas Stone, ilmuwan  Yale University, berhasil menemukan "antilaser" yang berguna untuk menjebak dan membuyarkan sinar laser.
Antilaser memiliki perbedaan mendasar dengan laser. Jika laser mengubah energi listrik menjadi energi cahaya dalam rentang frekuensi yang sempit, antilaser akan mengubah laser menjadi energi panas dan kemudian menjadi energi listrik.
Laser konvensional menggunakan material semacam semikonduktor yang disebut "gain medium" untuk memproduksi gelombang cahaya yang terfokus. Sementara antilaser memakai silicon sebagai "loss medium" yang menjebak cahaya sebelum diubah menjadi panas.
Stone mengatakan, teknologi antilaser bisa dimanfaatkan untuk merancang komputer optik generasi mendatang. Menurut Stone, komputer tersebut akan mendapat sumber daya dari cahaya di samping elektron.
"Generasi komputer masa mendatang yang memiliki performa tinggi akan memiliki hybrid chips," kata Stone. Komputer masa depan takkan menggunakan cip dengan transistor dan silikon. Teknologi ini juga bisa membantu kepentingan radiologi.

Meski tampak keren, teknologi ini takkan menjadi tameng bagi laser. "Ini sesuatu yang menyerap laser. Jika pistol laser dimaksudkan untuk membunuh Anda, itu memang akan benar-benar membunuh," ucap Stone.

INDONESUA - Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Science (Natural Sciences) University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) Chairil Anwar judge, tread a circle or a crop circle in Bantul and Sleman DI Yogyakarta is the result of intellectual work. This work requires thinking that combines science and art. This is similar to the work of artists created installations that many today, he said in Yogyakarta on Wednesday (01/26/2011).
Therefore, Chairil said, if a circular footprint is actually made by the students of Science Faculty of UGM, the students concerned will be given an appreciation for being able to apply the science of pure mathematics with the arts. The phenomenon is much associated with Unidentified flying object (UFO) that also led to the idea to combine the sciences of Mathematics with the arts.
Chairil said, the Science Faculty of UGM has made tracking whether or not the news that one of the Science Faculty of UGM students involved in the manufacture of such a circular footprint. This is related tersiarnya news site creator is a student of Science Faculty of UGM circular force sebuh 2008, as contained in the blog site. "We have examined 28 students related to this, but have not found the truth of the news," said Chairil.
According Chairil, making the site can not be assessed in the rice fields act is wrong because it is not intended to hurt anyone. The loss is only found in the use of wetland that a source of income owners.
If proven one of the Science Faculty of UGM students who did, said Chairil, the faculty will consider replacing the losses resulting.

"Green Finance"

The concept of green finance or disbursement of capital by using environmentally friendly principles could be the solution of the financial sector to cope with the impacts of global climate change.
"There are two serious threats, namely the problem of energy use and environment that can be overcome with a green finance," said Head of Environment Finance Special Advisor to the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Takashi Hongo, held discussions Fisheries Society Archipelago (MPN) in Jakarta, Thursday (01/28/2011).
However, according to Hongo, to apply the concept of green finance actually required determination of financial entities, both private and government, to spend large amounts of investment. In addition, the application of green finance requires technological advances that can reduce the impacts of climate change.
He pointed out, a number of fishermen in Japan several years ago decided to use LED technology (light emitting diode) due to high prices of fuel used for fishing.
Hongo explained, at the beginning it needed a huge cost to purchase and equip fishing vessels with a LED, but once used they can save operational costs. "They (the fishermen) to borrow money from banks," he said.
For that, according to him, financing and encouragement to use environmentally friendly technology is the key required in the application of green finance.
Meanwhile, other speakers, Advisor to the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Division of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Suseno Sukoyono say, actually there are many business opportunities or financial that may be developed due to climate change, including the one green finance.
Moreover, he said, Indonesia is actually not the biggest contributor to emissions, but climate change has caused some problems such as rising temperatures and rising sea levels that looked like a phenomenon that rob lately often occur in the area of Muara Baru, North Jakarta.
"Indonesia produces 1.7 per capita emissions, while the United States and Australia 20.6 16.2," he said.
He also warned the energy crisis such as rising oil prices has now reached about 100 U.S. dollars should also make an aspect to encourage the application of green finance.
MPN chairman Muhammad Taufiq expect woke network both within and outside the country or international organization in creating a sustainable source of development opportunities through green finance.
"Green financing scheme based finance with a conducive investment environment by incorporating aspects of climate change become one of the important solutions in building sustainable Indonesia," he said.
Based on the MPN data, there is the potential of Indonesia's total marine economy reached 800 billion dollars per year that have not been fully utilized partly because of cost constraints.

EARTH DAY for GLOBALWARMING | Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008